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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. :cute: That's true, but my weakness is that I get in the way of the Lord, thinking that I'm helping him! No, I'll leave you in His able hands...you'll be a pastor later but better! :cute:
  2. blue504 - I will pray for you. Are you connected to a church? Do you have people around who are supportive?
  3. Yes, Happy Birthday to you both!! I pray the Lord showers you with blessings over the coming year! Blessings, Lurdys
  4. Malissa - Just to confirm are you receiving emails from this site or from Mia's Yahoo group. This site doesn't generate individual emails outside of what's on the preferences tab, e.g., notification when someone else has posted to a thread you've either started or posted to.... If you are a member of the yahoo group, you would need to go to your settings on the group page then change your mail receipt setting to digest from individual emails. Let me know if this works....
  5. Hi seekingone - Click on the Profile link at the top of the screen. Then click on the 'PReferences' tab. There you'll find a list to review that you can click yes or no accordingly. Save your changes and then you should be all set!
  6. Praise the Lord, Temi! This is how it feels when the body of Christ is working in the manner He designed! And this is why I also love this place and fellowshipping with everyone here!! :bighug: The Lord tells us to share each other's burdens and to love each other because He loved us first - I feel that here and see it operate in a big way, the Lord is glorified and blessed! Thank You Lord for the divine appointments You have created in leading us here, thank You Lord for the encouragement, love, and prophetic revelation You provide that sustains the site. May we all always seek You first in all that we do. We give You all the praise and honor and glory now and forevermore! Psalm 133 A Song of Ascents. Of David. 1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing— Life forevermore. In Jesus' Name, Amen! :PTL:
  7. I agree, if this job is still available I would recommend taking it. It will be better on your record to show that you left the position for another opportunity than to have state that you were fired. HLB is right, given the current state of affairs it's not likely that you would get a reference from your director, HOWEVER if there's anyone else on the staff that you DEFINITELY trust or if you still have a relationship with your former director then see if they would mind it if you use them as a reference in the future. While you don't need a reference for this new opportunity (which is another reason to consider accepting the offer), in the future if/when you are seeking other jobs, employers will generally want to be able to have one reference per job. The longer you remain at this new job, the less likely they'll require a reference from the old job.
  8. Happy Birthday, Hope! I pray the Lord gives you the desires of your heart in the coming year! Blessings, Lurdys
  9. Amen, money! Praise the Lord and welcome to the site!
  10. I know what you mean! That refining process can be humbling if not painful!Let me offer the following (Unfortunately, I'm not in a position right now to search for specific scriptures, will follow up with some)... What has helped me over the years is: 1) Get girded up in the Lord beforehand so that you can remember Whose you are - read the Gospels and see how Jesus dealt with the Pharisees (who worked MY nerves, I've always admired Jesus' ability to stay cool when under attack) even during His own persecution. He knew that there was a larger plan at stake and didn't let them trip Him up...these traits are is also YOUR inheritance as a child of God, pray for these traits, pray for an increase in the fruits of the Spirit. Also, read the Psalms - David dealt with persecution and adversity and always sought the Lord's refuge...some of the following have been helpful to me in dealing with bad/unfair situations and people: Psalm 31, 34, 35,37, 55, 82. Also 91/121 because of Ephesians 6: 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Remember that it's Satan and his army that you're battling through your co-worker's, it's not them specifically. Once you are able to remember that what you're encountering is spiritual warfare, you can take up your armor, come against it in the name of Jesus and stand. Also, memorize scriptures that really minister to your heart and stand on them in prayer and repeat them over the course of the day... 2) Anticipate that which you can - Satan is clever but let's not give him more credit than he deserves...he knows your weaknesses and will strategize based on them...but you know your weaknesses too so it's time to do an honest assessment to come to terms with your weaknesses and repent where necessary and ask for healing/strength/etc. where necessary. (Not saying this is you, just saying IF this is you...) That may involve seeking help from a minister, counselor, deliverance minister in addition to have people praying for you. It also involves knowing what tools will be used against you - the person who always teases you about whatever...the person who always has to find something wrong with your work and usually what they find is either so unimportant it's pathetic or technically they're right but nobody cares, the person who has appointed themselves to be your shadow - they watch what time you get to/leave work, go to/from lunch, etc. and you wonder if they have enough work to do because they spend an inordinate amount of time watching you (unfortunately, these can also be misguided bosses). Ok, you get the picture. Pray for these people. Seriously. As you know, prayer changes things and prayer can change people. 3) Take ownership of you and your space. Praise and worship on your way to work is critical - pray for patience and for the Holy Spirit to guide you and your words (or what ever it is specifically you need that day), put on your praise music and praise Him all the way to work...you will enter the workplace remembering WHOSE you are and WHO you will honor through your actions that day...the things that would normally push your buttons will bounce off of your Teflon armor (well, at least more of them will... ...but it will get better over time if not immediately)...put on preaching tapes/CD's/mp3s there are some preachers out there who will get you fired up, your chest will be so big in the Lord that the building doors will be too small for you to enter... ...if you want some recommendations, PM me and I'll share some.... If it's possible to have music on low in your workspace, keep your praise and worship music on in your workspace to keep it sanctified. It will keep the enemy out and keep you in the spirit and focused. If you can't have music on, get earphones or use a MP3 player. I listen to preaching tapes while at work and find them very helpful in maintaining my focus. If you can't listen to music at all, then remember lyrics and sing to yourself. 4) Strategic prayer. Pray before meetings/events, pray when you feel that tightening in your neck...don't wait until your "reserve nerve" (this is the one after your last nerve) is the only one you have left... When you feel the attack coming or have been attacked and you just want so badly to respond, pray and call out for Jesus and call/text other friends to intercede for you at that moment. Hope this is helpful! Let us know how things go and we'll continue to keep you in prayer! Blessings, Lurdys
  11. Heleadsme - Thank you for your kind words, the Lord is blessed! I'm thankful for Mia as well for being obedient to the Lord and setting up this community, I've learned so much about dreams and about the Lord and have grown in my own walk with Him and in service to Him as a result. I really feel the love of Christ here whether we're ministering to each other or even disagreeing about the meaning of a dream symbol ( :blushing: ). We still strive to do everything so that the Lord is glorified so I thank God for EVERYONE here! Keep becoming who the Lord has called you to be! :cute:
  12. Praise God! Congratulations! That's a great praise report!
  13. Christa - Know that God is able to do all that you need Him to do and more...He will not forsake you, lean into Him during this time and He will restore everything that was lost. One thing that I can recommend that worked for me when I was where you are is to praise your way through. Cry out to the Lord (literally) and cast your cares onto Him. If you're weary, talk to Him about it. If you're angry, let Him know. Put on your praise and worship music (even when you don't feel like it) and praise Him for what He's doing and what you're believing Him for to do in your life....the music will heal and bless you so that you can keep moving forward in His will one day (or hour) at a time...
  14. LtwJ - Will definitely keep you and your uncle in prayer, double deaths like that can be overwhelming... Blessings, Lurdys
  15. Sarah would'nt have fared very well there! While her issue was parenthood rather than marriage, the same principle applies - everything happens in God's perfect timing. It's very hard to be single these days without feeling like you're being judged to some degree and perhaps even more so in the Church. Ok, maybe "being judged" is a harsh way to describe it but while people have good intentions and try to be encouraging to singles, it feels like pressure regardless of whether one is happily single or desperately trying to find Boaz/Ruth. I would suggest a period of fasting and praying about the relationship to really hear God's perspective on it before you act. And I would offer 2 Tim 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. If you don't have a sound mind regarding the relationship, then be honest about whether it's something that you should pursue seeking God's will for you in the matter. Be encouraged, if this is not the man that God has for you, look out and plan to be amazed! (more blue flowers... )
  16. Father God - We life Stephani up to You, Lord. Thank You for her and thank You for her faith. Thank You Father for Your lovingkindness. Thank You that You will supply all of Stephani's needs according to Your riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. We thank You that when one door is closed You have another door open for us. We thank You for the job that is manifesting for Stephani right now as we speak. We thank You that for the blessing that You are giving Stephani that will bless her exceedingly abundantly above all that she could ask or think. And we give You the glory for forever and ever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  17. I missed several birthdays yesterday! Hope you all enjoyed your birthdays and receive a shower of blessings over the coming year! God bless you, Lurdys
  18. May the Lord bless you and keep you on this day and everyday!
  19. Hope you have a wonderful day in the Lord and that He gives you the desires of your heart!
  20. To God be the Glory!! Praise You Lord!!
  21. Praise the Lord! You can't outgive God!
  22. Praise the Lord, D, that's great news!!
  23. I echo the posts that have already been made. I also have a personal testimony of being married to an abusive functioning (on most days) alcoholic. His behavior became progressively bizarre and dysfunctional. The frequency of his acting out increased and his boundaries started to diminish, i.e., there were certain people that he would never have considered acting out in front of (our parents, our child) and that started changing. He was irrationally jealous (once accused me of flirting with a boy who had Down's syndrome) and his tirades were set off by the smallest perceived wrong, e.g., my coming home 10 minutes later than usual, a $7 drugstore purchase that appeared on one of our credit card statements that he didn't recall, etc. To say it was bad is an understatement but while in the middle of it, I too needed reassurance about if I was doing the right thing by leaving him vs working it out while still in the home. One fight later answered that very quickly for me. You ABSOLUTELY have to think about the well being of your toddler first - these images of arguing and violence that your little one may be witnessing do have an impact. I will pray that he does enter the rehab program. And, if possible, try to find a good Christian counselor who can offer assistance to you for your own well being. In my own case, being able to discuss the issues in an objective forum really helped me to maintain perspective and to make some tough decisions. In my case, I did get a divorce and it was for the best. While our relationship has improved dramatically over the years, ten years and three girlfriends later he still has anger management (and verbal abuse) and alcohol related issues that remain unresolved despite rehab, arrests, court appearances and probation....his behavior has been better for the last year or two but I question if that isn't because he's currently in a long distance relationship? Again, I encourage you to separate for now so that the intervention can take place. If he's not willing to seek help, then you have your answer. Unfortunately, even if he seeks help you still have to move slower than molasses until you see concrete and sustained changes in him. I would encourage you to work under the supervision of a Christian counselor so that you have support in understanding the Lord's will regarding your next steps. I pray that your husband will come to know Jesus so that he can be healed of his illnesses and hurts and be delivered of the demons that have hold of him. I also pray for strength and wisdom for you as you go through this process. Be reminded that God loves you and is hurt as well by this situation - this is not how He wants His child to be treated. You are wonderfully and fearfully made, this is God's love for you: "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." (1 John 4:7-11) And be encouraged that He hears you and He will not forsake you: Psalm 9:9–10 (NIV) 9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. 10 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. 2 Samuel 22:1-3, 18, 48-50: And David spoke the words of the song to the Lord in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hands of his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, and my refuge. My savior, you save me from violence…He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me…The God who executes vengeance for me, and brings down peoples under me, who also brings me out from my enemies; you even lift me above those who rise up against me; you rescue me from the violent man. Therefore, I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the nations, and I will sing praises to Your name. Just as the Lord delivered David from his enemies, He is delivering you from your situation. The Lord has great plans for you and they do not include abuse: Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Sorry if this rambles, I just have so much to say in so little time and it all came out at once...
  24. Father God, We thank you that you are our Jehovah Rapha, our healer. We lift up Brother Morris to You right now Father and we pray that all forms of sickness and disease be driven from his body now in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank You that You are our creator. Everything must fall into submission to You, even Morris' coma. So we command that everything in Morris' body down to every cell, everything must bow to You and function in the way that they were designed to function, in Jesus' name. We speak life and health into Morris' body in Jesus'name. We thank You Father that by Your stripes he is healed. Restore strength and power to his body and joy to his spirit, so that he may bless and serve you, now and forevermore. We give You the glory now and always. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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