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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that the man who is trying to get her heart, has to seek God in order to find it." Wow, my heart leaped upon reading that... ...between this and the reference yesterday to Esther 2:14 I got the confirmation I was seeking...
  2. I'll pray that the Lord will be done in your friend's situation...
  3. Thanks JBS, we just got over the flu in my home and I realized that I didn't have any of this on hand when I was coming down with the symptoms...am planning to buy some soon so thanks for the reminder!
  4. Happy Birthday Connie!!!! May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you! Thanks for all that you do here, you are a blessing to us!!
  5. Hi Pepperbush - I will pray that the Lord will give your mother peace that surpasses all understanding...
  6. May your day be especially blessed!
  7. Amen! Look at how God has used this situation - she's been on Good Morning America and the family has been on Oprah and the video clip is on YouTube - how many people got to hear this testimony about the Lord and the power of prayer without it being censored?
  8. Thanks be to God! Father, we thank You that Maria Joy entered the world safely and without any major intervention! Thank You for another marvelous work, You are awesome and worthy to be praised! Thank You for the plans that You have for her! We give You the glory now and forever! in Jesus' name, Amen!
  9. Hi HOB, I'll contact Mia and let her know...thanks!
  10. @Cholette - Thanks for the reminder! @Dreamster - Cholette's right, I remember telling you that the sportscar should be cherry red, not tomato red...just a friendly reminder...
  11. Hi Cholette - Not sure if this is old news but I checked the administrator's website and apparently there was a blackout that occurred a couple of weeks ago that caused several things to go awry including the missing emoticons/avatars. They are aware of the problem as it is affecting all of the forumotion boards, not just ours. It seems to be taking a long time for them to resolve so let's pray for a speedy resolution. :-( I'll post any updates that I see, they don't appear to be very service savvy as there are several requests for an update...:-( Blessings, Lurdys
  12. God bless you for being obedient to the Lord so that He can use you to bless your church! I will stand in agreement with you and pray that the Lord anoints you with Truth and gives you a spirit of boldness to exhort this message to the church in a way that proclaims Jesus Christ. Thank Him that He is appointing the perfect time for the people to receive this message. Let them be cut to the heart when they hear your message, let them be led to repent of their ways and embrace Christ anew. Let your words be confirmed with signs and wonders. May God be glorified in that church that night and always. In Jesus' name, Amen.
  13. Yum, birthday dinner sounds delish...May God's richest blessings be upon you in the coming year - I really think next year at this time, you're going to look back in amazement at all the Lord has done for you! Be Blessed!
  14. Wow, the D's bday is finally here!!! Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Dreamster, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
  15. LTWJesus - I pray that the Lord will anoint you to sing in a way that the peoples' hearts are comforted and strengthened by the Holy Spirit operating through you - in Jesus' name, Amen.
  16. How exciting! Will keep you all lifted up in prayer! Can't wait to hear about the new arrival!
  17. Wow, Linda what a story! Praise the Lord that He is our everpresent help in times of trouble and that He is always faithful to keep His promises as He did those promises of Psalm 91. Thanks be to Him that you were not hurt and provided with protection in the form of the men that came to your assistance. Thanks so much for sharing!
  18. Praise the Lord for His healing!
  19. Hey Pastor Dreamster - Thanks for your encouragement and for making our days bright! Hillobeans - those were funny!!! I'm adding the following words of wisdom regarding birthdays: You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. - Bob Hope Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. - Jennifer Yane Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. - John Mason
  20. The following clip from Good Morning America shows the power of prayer. An Indianapolis Christian worker at a check cashing store was faced with a robber. She prayed for 10 minutes for the Lord to intercede and He did as only He can do. She then spoke to the would be robber for the next 30 minutes about his situation, his life, etc. and encouraged him that robbing a store is not what he needed to do....very heartwarming yet troubling at the same time....check it out with the following link: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?cl=16228041
  21. To add to what Cholette stated above... What I've also learned about doing this is that when you get to a point where you've forgiven the other person and perhaps even restored the relationship, the people you confided in haven't 'progressed' with you so even though its your trial and you've walked through it now they're 'stuck' in bitterness/resentment towards the person and may even go so far as to question your change in heart and the actions you take regarding your situation...
  22. Yes Cholette, that happens to me too...waking up with a song in my spirit...I love waking up in this way or after He's spoken to me, what a way to start your day!
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