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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. Thanks Desi for posting this request. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and has suffered tremendously from the last two hurricane seasons, in fact the country never really recovered from them so this is truly and sadly a devastating blow. News accounts say that the death toll is already in the tens of thousands and could pass 100,000 people, one account has the total estimated at 500,000 but I pray that's a case of sensationalistic journalism. The Haitians need our prayers for protection and comfort in the midst of this tragedy. Additionally, if you feel led to donate to relief efforts, please consider one of the following organizations: http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/01/13/haiti.earthquake.how.to.help/index.html God bless you!
  2. You know Unaday, it's funny you mention it because that thought has crossed my mind as well...
  3. Hi LTWJ - Sorry to hear that you didn't get the job but if that was is the case, you didn't get it because it wasn't the one that God has for you. There is a reason you did go through this process and it will be revealed as you continue through your job hunt. Don't be surprised if there is something you experienced in this interview process that will be the very thing that enables you to get your job. Or something happens to the organization that makes you glad you weren't employed by it. One time I applied for a job and went through three rounds of interviews and wanted the job because I liked the person I would be working with, I thought there was a good fit. Well it was between me and another person and that person got the job. BUT it was a good thing that I didn't get the job. The person that I was going to report to resigned shortly after the interview and the person who was hired into that job was an old boss of mine that I worked with 10 yrs before. We got along like oil and water - it was so bad that I quit my job even though I didn't have a new job to move into. In two other instances, I really, really wanted to work for a specific company, interviewed, thought it was a sure thing and in both instances wasn't hired. But praise God that He has given me favor...in both cases, the companies took a bad financial turn and had to do layoffs - had I worked at these companies, I would've been laid off ...also, in both cases the jobs that I ended up getting were the best career experiences that I've had... Trust in the Lord, He knows best! He hasn't forsaken you, that's a guarantee! He will sustain you until the job that he has for you comes forth!
  4. May the Lord bless you and keep you today and always!
  5. aanderson- Have you used this service or are you connected to this charity?
  6. I'm standing in agreement with Connie's prayer in the powerful name of Jesus!
  7. Father God, we thank You for the gifts and talents that You've given lovetoworshipjesus and pray that You would open doors and create opportunities for her to minister to others using these gifts that You've blessed her with. Thank You Father that it all happens according to Your will, as You know the plans You have for LovetoworshipJesus, plans to prosper her and not to harm her but to give her a future and a hope. Let everything proceed according to Your perfect timing Father and according to Your plan. I pray that You would give LovetoworshipJesus a divine anointing so that when these opportunities arise that she is able to praise and worship You through song in such a powerful way that the people's hearts are touched and encouraged. Let her songs create an atmosphere that allows the Holy Spirit to move about the place so that souls are saved, wounded spirits are healed, and those bound are set free in the name of Jesus. I pray that she is used of You in a way that pleases You Father and gives You all the glory. Let the people receive the sweet and mighty name of Jesus that is above all names. In Jesus' name, Amen. All the best to you, LTWJ, I know how much you want to serve Him in this capacity!
  8. God is great and greatly to be praised! Go God!
  9. Praise God for His favor!
  10. Happy Birthday Cholette! Enjoy your time with the Lord today! Taste and see that He is good now and always! May He bless you exceedingly abundantly beyond all that you can ask or think according to the power that works in you and may you be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. (Ephesians 3:20 and Colossians 1:9-12) Thanks for all that you do here in encouraging and pastoring us - you've blessed and are a blessing to many, including me! Thanks for your unwavering faith, Sister of the Most High God!
  11. I will touch and agree with you Unaday and give God praise as He opens doors and positions you (and your husband) to receive the gift He has declared to you recently through your dreams...
  12. May your birthday be an especially blessed one!!
  13. Standing in agreement with you and praying for a complete healing from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet in Jesus' name!
  14. Father God, we thank You for Danny and thank You for his faith. We pray Father that You would anoint Danny with an increase in wisdom and clarity of mind so that he excels on his exam on January 10th. Give him the peace that surpasses understanding both as he prepares for the exam and as he takes the exam. Father, we ask that You would place in him the words needed to answer the questions correctly and in a way that's pleasing to You. Let everything happen according to Your will. We thank You in advance for the blessing that You're giving Danny in this area Father. We praise You and give You the glory now and forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.
  15. Amen! Loved the song as well, thanks for sharing! I also like their version of Revelation Song...
  16. God is good! Praise the Lord for His provision! He's an ontime God! Thanks for sharing, I love testimonies like this, they're so encouraging! Go God!
  17. Happy Birthday! May the Lord continue to bless and keep you both!
  18. Amen, LTWJ! Happy New Year and all God's best for 2010!!!
  19. One thing that I would like to add because I'm not sure that it came through in my earlier post. Testing the spirits is something that we should do all the time with everyone we encounter. Not just pastors/teachers/prophets/etc. but also other Christians - don't take everything that's presented at face value. It is wise to make sure that who a person says they are is fact who they are and that it all lines up with the Word of God. Granted, none of us are perfect and we all fall short of the glory of God, but it's our heart condition that separates those Christians who believe the Word and are trying their best to live righteous lives from those Christians who are are not really trying to change their lives and go through the motions so to speak. Even on this site, it is important to test the spirits. Unfortunately, the online format has many advantages but also some disadvantages, one of which is that the interaction here is limited to what we read on our computer or mobile screens. We must test the spirits by making sure that interpretations line up with the Word of God - we should never receive an intepretation just because it was given. Likewise, we must also test the spirits behind the scenes to make sure that individuals whom we interact with and/or befriend here or on any other site are behaving in ways that are righteous/consistent with biblical principles. What we know about each other is only what is revealed by each member, but in truth we don't really know what they're sharing is true vs false/exaggerated/incomplete/being presented with a biased perspective/etc. (those moments when we say "Oh! If I'd known __________, then I wouldn't have thought/said ______!") We absolutely have to test the spirits and be led by the Holy Spirit in this regard.
  20. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This book was written to warn the Christians that some of the 'teachers' of that time were teaching false doctrines, things that didn't lined up with what Christ had taught. Examples of the false doctrine include: - that Christ was a man, not divine - they couldn't believe that God would die. - The body is bad but the spirit is good, therefore it doesn't matter what we do in our bodies as long as we love God. This is false because if we love God, we must live good lives. As it relates to this specific scripture, we must test the spirits to make sure that they come from God. It is a warning to not accept as truth everything that someone that purports to be of God is teaching or otherwise sharing, we should test the source of these statements to make sure that they are rooted in a spirit of God versus another spirit. How do we do this? By using the Bible as our reference to make sure that what is taught/prophesied/etc. lines up with the Word of God. The next couple of verses in 1 John, verses 2-3 - 2 explain how we test the spirits - "By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world." Hope this helps!
  21. Wow, that's amazing - Amen, praise God for He is good! HLB - I continue to be blessed and awed by your writings! Do the thing! Expound, expound!
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