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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. owing 2 circumstances im not supprised, ,,see u at 0500hours genD
  2. ugh owin ,,i feel ur situ, ,.,ive found otha beleavers the hardest group of ppl 2 werk 4,, ,, id ratha werrk 4 unsaved ppl ,,its sad but true,, um perhaps if u pray like othas hav said,, see wat lordy can do in a tme frame,, ,,
  3. i rememba tha drm ,, losein ur battery ,,is u loseing ur powa,,
  4. evil trumphs wen good men do nuthing,, if u cant bring change ,,and u can tolerate status quo ,,i wood look else wher,, it depenps on how much ur prepared 2 tolerate , ,,,, gen D
  5. um yes im sure it is,, its the nature of the devil an his helpers 2 pervert all things that r good,, um u need deliverance from this ,,,realise god loves u,
  6. uall be fine fear not,, relax here use mi chair,,
  7. um those bossy pills ur taken r werkin jus fine,, ,,i miss mi already
  8. we r wiv u me,, an ur sistas,,,,
  9. ugh,, u wood hava sense of abanddenment wen ur dad left,, im certain thats the begining of ur hurts,, then everything else wood be compounded on top of that,, u wood hava hard tme trustg god, becos of this,, ,,i think thers a scrip that talks about a wounded soul who can bare??,, um be4 u can go 4ward this all needs healing,, u will get ther,, D
  10. i was gonna say wat cholette said about tryin 2 change urself,, .. but that wasa huge post 4 me already,, ,,,,um dont stress swty,
  11. hmmm well try seeing if thers beena issue of rejection by ur father,, that wood answer alotta questions,, sumtmes dads can be wivout knowin,, or werse ,, an damage ur ,,then u end up bein,, ,, Dr D,
  12. grt replies an kndre,, um h/f i kno how u feel, i think the tv is a very minor issue,, i kno u want the fruit of tha holy spirit flowing outta u,, but its his fruit not urs i think perhaps thers a core issue inside u thats growing all these otha ugly fruit, ,, wen that goes so will the otha stuff, sum times i dont feel like a christian at all ,, but i keep bring mi junk 2 no matta how i feel,,hes the only autherised collecta in the universe, last nite i wasa awake afta a drm at 1am,, i prayed 4 lordy 2 enter the closed doors of mi heart,, ,,i felt him wivb me, ,, our father is the vinedresser he knows wat 2 prune off us,, D
  13. yes but ur his little helpa,, sumtimes he lets u drive the bulldozer as u co-labour wiv him.
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