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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. um hi vile..u think u hav issuses,,i hav a frend who is in a ministry that helps christians wiv there sexual stuff,im told that 60% of church pple watch porn on a satnite b4 church on sunday,,that was a bonefied statistik.,,so there is a lotta junk in the trunk of the church,, i guess it gets supressed an pple hope it will go away,,ive had my fair share of junk 2 deal wiv...everyone does if their honest.. :roflx: :roflx: :roflx: ohhhh loorrddy,, :eek: :eek: ill stop now cos i feel wicked humour coming on,,and i dont wanna offend,,,,
  2. thats sooo kooll... D
  3. um a month ago i was nearly bankrupt,,homeless,,wiv no hope or future,,i asked my frends here 2 pray,,now im on the road 2 recovery,,ive got a months work,,an cash coming in,,im not outta tha woods but i can breathe a little,,thank u all my loveing frends ,,i love u all 2 pieces,, D and :funtease: :funtease: :funtease: u alll.. :roflx: :roflx: :roflx: ohh lordy,,
  4. um u need 2 pray each day ..by binding the strong man over the man...lust etc..and loosing him 2 gods plan 4 his life..get a prayer partner to agree..hope this helps,,, D
  5. um okn ..just go easy ok..that kinda stuff is heavy duty..
  6. hmmmm connie,,,ive heard a little of this ministry..its pretty tuff an ugly.. i woodnt rush in ,,,but take time b4 u decide,.....assess the tme that wood be required,,the cost on ur family life,,,not tryin 2 put u off,,just carein 4 ya... D
  7. great news kimiluv... were rite behind u,, D
  8. um 2 put it simply God looks on the heart not the outer man,,i think if we all get on with the job at hand,and not focus on side issues,thenwe'll all be better off..in the end all our works will go thru the fire...wat is not stubble/straw will remain..,jesus is the head of the church we all shood be takin our instructions frm him,,,that wood sort many things out,, :cute: :cute: D
  9. ohh my t y lurdy...that was soo kool..im so blessed 2 hav so many frends..
  10. t y vile,,all prayers of support im grateful 4... D
  11. ohh wow im soo blessed ...t y family.. D
  12. um i need more work badd,,,please 4 me...thank you.. D
  13. um i get this scrip 4 u ,,weeping endures 4 a nite but joy comes in the morn ing...i hope that dont sound trite,,, D
  14. um i wood like 2 say that im realy grate ful 4 the site its been a great help 2 me,,ive made nu frends,,i think we need 2 rememba were on tha same team,,keepin the unity of the faith as we grow up in HIM unto a perfect man,,till we all come to maturity as we see tha day appearing,,lets edify exhort comfort,speak the truth in love,,let love cover us as a family,,,prefering one another,,rememba wat love is,,,seeks n ot its own ,is not puffed up,,etc,,'',come on people now smile on youre brother,everybody get together .try to love one another rite now. rite now,,,''[young bloods] D
  15. father,i pray 4 kimi..2day,,anoint her 2 flow and function in her job,,grant grace,,empower her by yr spirit,,may she shine,,,4 all 2 see,,amen,,, D
  16. hang in there z7,,,were all in this 2gther,,,bring your gifts to the group,,u must hav somethng to share,, D
  17. in my country,there are 3% christians,im expecting missionaries any day now, D
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