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Everything posted by watchman

  1. God is awesome in his works and also this is very encouraging to the body. Be blessed!
  2. i am praying for you . Stand through this test!
  3. There is a season and time for everything
  4. Thank God for provision! he will not only feed you physical bread & meat but also spiritual bread & meat(the word).
  5. Father God in the name of Jesus I am praying for a sister in need of direction and provision. God we know that everything she needs you have already provided. We thank you in advance. God you are Jehovah Jireh her provider and your words says i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread. God i ask that you order her footsteps in your word in the name of Jesus. You have given her the vision to minister over seas to Ireland and England God I ask that her spiritual eyes and ears will be open that she will hear the plan that you have for her and that she walks it out by faith. Give her the boldness to break camp when you have given her the signal in your timing. Lord I thank you and praise your name I believe by faith that it is done in your son Jesus name, Amen
  6. God I pray for Bobby and her family that they may grow closer to you and have a intimate relationship with you. help her to continue to grow in You. It is YOU that she lives, moves and have her being. I thank you for the newness in her life in Jesus name Amen
  7. watchman

    Pray for Me

    God i lift up Toi and her family to you right now in the name of Jesus. God i ask that you will forgive them for any sins they may have committed and that you will show grace and mercy on their lives. No weapon that is formed aganist them will not prosper, I pray a hedge of protection around them. I plead the blood of Jesus over her daughters life and i call all things into order in Jesus name. Protect the unborn blessing that she is carrying. God i ask that you will restore and revive and stir up the gift in them and those connected to her oh God. I plead the blood of Jesus over her life ,she is victorious in Jesus name. Amen
  8. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and the joy of the Lord is our strength. He is the God of peace! Jeanie, your friend has completed her assignment here on earth, Just as Jesus said "it is Finished" when he completed his assignement on earth...Hallelujah it is finished and yes she is dancing with our King of King and Lord of Lords, The Great i am! she is now wearing a crown of Jewels. Glory be to God! Be blessed my sister!
  9. God has your back! You are covered my Sis.
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