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Posts posted by Virtuous

  1. I have actually experienced spiritual death and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

    It was in 2005. I was in the beginning stages of rededicating my life to Christ. I had been a backslider for well over 10 years. I was dating this guy that I just loooooooooved. It was just after I learned what fornication was. I had heard it before but I didn’t “KNOW” what it meant…seriously, I didn’t. Okay, God told me not to be fornicating. I didn’t immediately stop. I didn’t do it as often but I didn’t stop. One night he came over and was going to spend the night. We got in bed and you all know where that led. Right as it was about to happen, God told me not to do it. As we were doing it, God told me to stop. After we finished, God reminded me AGAIN, that He told me not to be fornicating.

    The next day, I didn’t know if I was going or coming. I tried to go to the altar and repent…Nope. It didn’t happen. (At the time, I didn’t have a Godly sorrow of repentance. I just wanted to not feel that way anymore. I really wasn’t sorry. I just wanted God to forgive me so that I could “feel” again [Just being honest]).

    I was walking around like a zombie. I was going to work looking like a fool because it didn’t even seem like I was alive. It was like I could see everybody and do things but there was no life in me. I don’t even remember breathing. I was just a dead woman walking. Even when I was around people, saved and unsaved, I felt like I was all alone in this world. I completely felt like I was by myself. There was absolutely no LIFE in me at all.

    I’m not saying God left me because He said He would never leave nor forsake us but He did allow me to leave and walk completely away from Him and experience what life is like without Him. There is no life without Him. Even though I wasn’t physically dead, spiritual death is far worse because He (LIFE) is not in you. I wish I could really just explain in full detail what I’m talking about so everyone could get a better understanding. Maybe one day God will word my mouth to go in depth about it because right now it is really hard to explain.

    I know I don’t want to feel that way EVER again!

  2. Being that your situation deals with legal matters, this information may not apply to you. I think it’s speaking of foreclosure cases “in general”, for lack of a better word; that has gone into default for non-payment. But…you never know.

    Some states honor the “Statutory Right of Redemption”. This allows the defaulted borrowers a period (which can be as long as one year) in which to redeem their real estate after the sale. The borrower can get the money to redeem the property during this time period can pay it to the court. Because the debt was paid from the sale (the defaulted amounted and the penalty/fees), the borrower can take possession free and clear of the former defaulted loan. If the state honors this redemption period, the person(s) who bought the property at the sale will not be give the deed until after this time period has expired.

    Now, there is a such thing as a deficiency judgment where they can come after you for the remaining balance on the property. It has nothing to do with how much your home is worth when it comes to foreclosure; but everything to do with how much you owe the lender. However, if your property is sold for less than what its worth but more than what you actually owe on it (which is usually the case), the lender owes you money.

    For instance…
    Your house is worth $100,000.00. You owe $80,000.00 on the loan. The house is bought for $75,000.00 at the sale. The lender can come after you for the other $5,000.00 but not $20,000.00. If the house is sold for $100,000.00 or anything over the $80,000.00, other expenses/unpaid interest up to that point are taken out of that figure and anything left should be given to you. So, if you owe $80,000.00 on the house, there’s $5,000.00 worth of other expenses, fees, unpaid interest, etc., and the house is sold for $100,000.00, they owe you $15,000.00.

    I encourage you research the laws governing your rights concerning this. They vary from state to state. There are more laws FOR you as a homeowner than you may realize. I know I didn’t until these classes.

  3. Oooh, Cholette. I heard your heart in your response. I just had to "like" it.


    My area of study has always been Accounting/Business Administration. Last year, God directed me to change my major. He also directed me to the University that specializes in that particular major. What is the major? REAL ESTATE! This is my last year.

    I’ve had TWO classes that deal with this very thing. I’m like “What?! Are you serious?! I wished I had known this when I lost my home a few years back!”

    THIS may have helped you out more than you know. It may be tomorrow before I can elaborate on this because I have to go home and get my book/notes. I had planned to sell all my books back to the bookstore and decided to keep them at the last minute.

    I promise you I will get back with you on this. I’m going to give you all the information I found during these classes. The devil is a liar!

  4. Dancing is a "form" of praise and worship. Some dance, some jump, some run, some clap, some cry, some wave their hands, etc. When you're in the spirit, there's no telling what you're doing because you move as the spirit falls on you. Sometimes I don't even know what I did unless someone tells me.

  5. I want to share a personal experience of how God spoke to me that goes along these same lines…

    I think it was in 2002; even though I tithe throughout the year, God told me to tithe my income tax as well (He didn’t use a prophet, my Pastor, anyone – He told me directly). The first of every year, the members of my church make a pledge off of our income tax returns as an offering towards the building fund (prayerfully praying, our new sanctuary will go up this year! woo hoo)

    As we began to make our pledges, I would always pledge what I was tithing. This happened for about 2 years. The third year after I pledged, God told me I was/had been pledging my tithes as an offering and not to do it again. Last year, I didn’t pledge at all. I get a good return every year and tithing off of that is no small change and I felt like that should be enough. Well, that’s not the right attitude/spirit (I’m speaking about me). God has shown me parts of the vision He has given my Pastor concerning our ministry and if I want to be a part of it, I have to help carry it out. This year, I made a pledge but it is in addition to my tithes.

  6. Having said that, I do believe that the tithe is meant for the church - as a means of taking care of the church's needs, everything from pastoral care to church bills (someone has to pay for rent/mortgage, gas/electric, property maintenance, etc.) to church staff payroll to church programs (i.e., community programs, partnerships with other churches/agencies/community groups, missions, etc.) to benevolent care.

    I totally agree with this statement. In my opinion, the tithes belongs to God and shouldn't be used elsewhere. I would consider what your friend is doing is more of an offering...sowing a seed into the life of the poor family. THAT should be done in addition to the tithes and not replacing the tithes.

  7. I hope I'm not repeating a symbol. I called myself going through all of the symbols to make sure and I didn't see it. Anyway...

    I've been having a lot of dreams of having a bowel movement. It gets on the toilet and when I try to clean it up, it smears. Even when wiping, it smears and takes forever to get cleaned. It doesn't make a HUGE mess, but it smears and takes a while to clean up.

    THEN...to top it off there is always someone else in the bathroom when it happens but they don't seem to know or acknowledge that I'm there.

  8. I have been driving down the road and a spirit of worship has fallen on me.

    I have actually been in a public bathroom and a spirit of worship has fallen on me. It started out as a praise and worship settled in. Someone even walked in on me but I didn't stop.

    It was between me and God...

  9. It just doesn’t make since to me for Jesus to say, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” to end up in hell for 3 days. What did God do, receive His spirit and send it to hell? What would be the purpose in that?

    I would think that would defeat the purpose of God sending His only Son to die on a cross for our sins that we might be saved from going to hell.

    If you ask me, I would say He lived through pure hell being crucified. That was enough…

    And then to say He had to "steal" the keys? I don't think so...

    I want to know what others think as well.

  10. ja1721 wrote:
    That sounds nice. But I could never do that. I'd fail. I'm not passionate about the stupid weekly routine I have. Got any other ideas? If I worshiped, I'd like to do it in privacy.

    I'm afraid I don't understand...

    In all that I do in worship, even if I'm in church, at my desk or wherever; it's between me and the Lord (private).

  11. Linda Irish wrote:
    Thank you Mia...I too am so excited about what God will do with the book. I am so passionate this year...Something is happening, like we the children of the Living God ...we can all feel it ..something. Yes the end times are coming closer, but it is something more. A new passion a new love a new hope and new devotion to the lover of our soul. He is coming for us, His bride....we can feel it in the air...Praise God. I am so happy. I pray the enthusiasm of God's perfect love in us all. And All God's children said....AMEN

    Amen, Amen, and Amen again! Beautifully said... happy dance woo hoo
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