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Linda Irish

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Posts posted by Linda Irish

  1. my husband doesn't tithe and when I have tried to encourage him he is concerned about how little we have to begin with. He is very responsible to be the one to pay the bills and calculate the cost etc.....

    It is'nt out of fear that I wanted to tithe but out of wanting to please God. I believe God is pleased with that kind of faith in us. So I went back to my husband this winter and asked him If I could tithe on the money that I make at my job and his answer was not good the first time. he said, "Oh do whatever you want"...but my desire for his blessing was way more important to me than to tithe, so I told my husband that. I only want to tithe If I have his true blessing. A day or so later he got back with me and said to me in earnest, that If I felt that strongly about it that he would give me his blessing and he did. It has been almost a year now and I have been blessed tremendously by God. I have made more money this year than in my whole life. It is also the first year in my whole life that i have not once had a check not clear from my checking account...I have been able to buy engraved Bibles for nine recovering Christian drug addicts, help the homeless shelter and give 40.00 monthly to my favorite Christian radio station KLOVE....God has poured out the windows of heaven and is providing for me in a way that i have never experienced. Tithing is an opportunity provided for us His children, It is not required...it is a blessing...Test and see If the Lord is Good. he has truly blessed me in this area of my life. God bless you.

  2. The joy of the Lord is our strength...When we cast our cares on the One who loves us, we are free to walk in the freedom of Christ Jesus..this is why the saints could sing praises to God when they were being killed..God has made this way for you to walk above it all and have the glorious peace of God within you that passes all understanding. You are precious in the eyes of the Lord, that is why the enemy targets you...He has no power over you If you have the spirit of the living God within you. If you have recieved Christ as your savior...Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world...So I pray righteous indignation rise within you at anything that tries to come against the goodness of the Living God...God is good and He lives in you. God says that His children perish for lack of knowledge..You are a princess in the Kingdom of God for real...this world will all pass away and is temporal, but as daughters of the living God you and I, Our dad in heaven adores us and will take care of us, but we must step out in true faith and believe.....it is there that He can catch us in his arms.......I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Dear Saphire... I lived in fear in my past i was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder - my fear was from emotional and physical abuse by more than one person in my life....and I could not even go into my bank alone.

    But i have learned a lot about this...I am free from fear now, praise God.

    Fear is from the enemy and the way that it controls you is with threats...all the things that might, or could happen, all the ways that your life can be destroyed or troubled and all the thoughts of shame, loniliness lack and wondering what the future holds. these thoughts are constantly at work in your life to destroy your peace and your joy...and your health and your walk in Christ Jesus. The enemy controls us with fear like a puppet by continually reminding us in our thoughts about how awful things are happening or will happen. this is where you need courage. You need courage to step out into the completely unknown and believe what God says when He says that he will never leave you nor forsake you. I believe that is when My life changed...

    it is putting faith to the test, It is what Satan does not want you to do. If you cannot believe that Christ will catch you, feed you, give you a job bring you a Godly mate...Give you strength to go through hard times with grace...If you struggle with having faith...like i did, than ask Him for faith...I said to him, "God i truly want to believe you when you tell me to trust you and not be afraid...but i need you to put that faith in me because i dont have it" God did... and he lifted me up to a safe place and began a more powerful relationship that has stayed and grown with me through out my life. Be of Good courage...if God is for you who can be against you. Be brave enough to let God call the shots in your life...Let God do it..and watch. God commands us to cast our cares on Him...(all those worrisome and fearfull thoughts) and If we are faithful to obey our Father...then all those cares are now in His court and you are free to walk carefree...carefree...carefree which is exactly where our Father wants us.god bless you

    You can take this power away from the enemy right now today as you are reading this, because God has given you a hope for a future.

  4. Please help me if you can....Dream: Life Threatening struggle with Air Tube

    I am in a large two story home, it is a type of a residential home where the disabled or elderly are being taken care of. I am visiting. I am upstairs and it is loud with so many people…it is crowded. I can hear it sounds like somewhere across the room someone sounds like they are struggling to breath. I can hear it but everyone else is oblivious.. My eyes start to search the room to see where the sound is coming from and I see a young woman n a bed she is making noises and her arms are flailing about. I run over to see what is going on and she is mouthing to me to put in her breathing tube…somehow it has fallen behind the bed and she cant reach it…it appears as if she is not able to move but her arms a little….now as I struggle to find the air tube…she is gasping for breath and whispering to me…please hurry. I am struggling to find it…she looks like she is passing out , when all of a sudden someone, and attendant or maybe even a client comes up behind me and starts to give her violent cpr thrusts -but not at her heart - at her stomach ….I am too buzy finding the air tube to help the woman live…to stop the woman who is giving false assistance….and I finally find the other end of the air tube and quickly insert it…and the young woman begins to breathe…I am relieved and she is happy…I feel like I have saved her life because here no one is really taking care of her. Finally an attendent shows up and hauls off the woman who was trying to give cpr on the stomach…but the attendent never even checks on the patient. When they are gone,
    The young patient she asks me if I have a scarf that she can have…(I notice that she is wearing a poka dot scarf on her bald head now as if maybe she is struggling with cancer) I tell her I have a few colorful scarfs with flowers and pretty colors and I will bring them to her. She seems happy with that and I wake up.

    i am a born again Christian and God told me seven years ago that I would be writing about my experiences with God. through this web site i have been learning by leaps and bounds some of the ways that God uses dreams to talk to His children. Please if you have any Godly spirit led insight..to share with me thanks. Linda irish

  5. Good Words thanks for sharing...All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called together for His purpose....
    Everytime i lose my keys or lock them in my car....I ponder If God is keeping me from some car accident or bigger problem....I hope I am getting better at trusting that He's always got my back...God is good that way, we just don't always see it amen?

  6. I'm just sharing what God is doing with me now...I have a mountain too and I just realized that after months of this... I have been trying to deal with the mountain on my own...every time I fail I am so dearly dissapointed in me. i kept thinging, I can do this, i can do this....

    recently i have given the mountain over to God and let him know that I am weak....I will not judge me anymore God willing....God will do what He does and rescue me in His perfect timing...i am free to walk without care. for i have cast my cares on Him.

    the enemy wants to leave me feeling hopeless and powerless...and the thing about that is i am hopeless and poweless without the grace of Christ...My mountain is in Gods lap now and i know now that this problem is in better hands...i am free to walk in peace.

    God is our strength and our source we are truly hopelessly flawed without Christ...dont let the enemy beat you up. God is on our side, He will save you and you can walk in peace...Your dad is taking care of you and i will pray that childlike trust return in full strength...bless Jummy Father god and give her joy and peace...and to the enemy we say...you have no authority to harrass this child of God, in the power of Christ Jesus We collectively order you to report to the feet of Jesus and to leave this child....we are children of the Living God and we are members of the royal and celesial family of the Living God....All is well. God is for us...the mountain will melt like snowflakes hitting the warmth of your skin. You will be filled with the days beauty and the warmth of family and your hope for a future will be retored God bless the Father of us and the Prince of peace...God bless our brothers and sisters in the spirit of the Lord of us. Praise God for the blessings that he has bestowed upon us that we might be called the sons of God..Praise God

  7. Ok so its 7 in the morning and I can smell the coffee brewing…mmmm. Usually Peter my husband will bring me in a cup and set it by the side of the bed, but on this day, he laid back down for a few minutes….the smell was divine…mmmm.. I had been laying in bed thinking about God stuff going on in my life and thinking about the God stuff going on in this world…it was so great, a cozy bed, an hour before I had to get up and a good rich cup of fresh brewed coffee to go with it….So I popped up out of bed and headed for the kitchen for my coffee.

    When I got back to my bedside however the whole thing changed as I hadn’t turned on my bedside light yet…I thought that I could see ok but as I set the coffee down there was crash as it spilled all over my marble table and banged its way down the side ot the table in between the bed, and table and onto the white carpet and books and papers piled on the floor….

    My husband woke up with loud words coming from his mouth, that we won’t discuss right now…but as I rushed to get the towel, cold water and soap….I remembered what to do…”Remember, Peter, what we are going to do every time that the enemy tries to mess with us?…..we pray earnestly for three more people that we might not otherwise have prayed for, we pray for their salvation.

    So as I was scrubbing, together my husband and I prayed earnestly together for three more people to be born again into the Kingdom…

    I should spill my coffee every morning. Amen


    One New Years morning a few years ago I had an experience where I needed confirmation. I attended church alone that day and it was just a beautiful clear day and I felt happy and refreshed when I went home, but when I got to the porch and took out my keys something happened to me that has never happened before. I was caught off guard by The power of God in a way that I had never experienced …I could not move and I felt the fear of God and an uncontrollable trembling that felt like electricity filled me and it stopped me…a Holy fear came over me and I knew it was God and that this encounter was important. What God, what” I said and God said back to me clearly, “ I am not letting you in until you break off that lie” “What lie? I said?, and He told me “the lie that a woman cannot be a minister of Gospel”…then I really began to shake all over from the experience…my legs were shaking now also as I walked in the door and pondered this whole event. “I hear you God,” I said to Him, “but this is too big God, I need you to confirm in another way to me”

    Now the reason that It was such a big deal to me, is not just that God did a powerful thing to me to get my attention that day, but that along with his words I knew in the spirit and even more powerful and important message was being relayed to me supernaturally, that God was telling me that I was and was to be minister of the Gospel and this is the message that shook me to the core.

    Like I said it was on New years and I went on with my day making plans. I was having my little grandson come for the weekend also so I was cleaning house and shopping and getting things ready for the family to come over. When I was done with my fussing, I called a neighbor friend and asked her if she had time for a visit, she put on a pot of coffee and I walked down the street to visit….when I got there I asked if I could use her rest room and there on the counter was a magazine turned upside down open…when I picked up the magazine it was turned to an article entitled “Breaking The Lie, that a woman connot be a minister of God” I was blown away…

    My friend let me keep the magazine and I told her all about my experiences that morning and returned home.

    That night we had a blast it was a fun family time the movie inspired all of us and we were all caught up in the message. I remember my one of my boys, my son Dustin was standing with his arm around me kind of leaning on my like my boys sometimes do….and my little grandson Dylan who was about six at the time was also caught up in the moment, “Do you see this big guy Dylan? Uncle Dustin may seem like a big guy to you but you know what? He is my little boy. He will grow up one day to be a man who helps people like a policeman, or he will help poor people get treated fairly like an attorney…or he will be a Minister of the Gospel to tell people about God,

    My little six year old grandson shot his arm out immediately to point at me and with authority he said, No, grandma, no it is you that will teach people about God because you know about God.

    That s when I told my husband and my family about what had happened at the front door that morning.

    Very soon after this event in a quiet moment God told me that He wanted me to write about all the things that he has taught me, moreover specifically how He led me to hear His voice…and he wanted me to call it “it’s a God Thing”…
    Wow I thought, that’s pretty cool…but later as I was pondering all this I thought to myself, “I don’t know about the name “it’s a God Thing“ ..maybe “God stories” would be a better name!
    A little later my daughter Christy called from Tennessee and she was so excited to tell me something…”Oh mama I got this great idea, I know what you are suppose to do, you are suppose to write a story about all your experiences with God, and call it “It’s a God Thing”….

    Needless to say I was humbled by even considering another title…and quickly made a decision to call the book…”It’s a God Thing”

    And I worked on it here and there for seven years…writing the things that God brought back to my memory. All the miracles in my life that helped me to follow and fall even more in love with my Jesus…

    I was feeling like I was just going too slow on doing what God had specifically told me to do, I was feeling slow and like I was maybe letting God down, missing the boat on getting this done for God. After all SEVEN WHOLE YEARS had gone by.

    Then one day I was reading a book by Joyce Meyers, God bless her heart and she uplifted my spirit to have hope that delayed obedience is not always disobedience, especially if God did not specifically put a time restriction on us..and I was so encouraged that I rededicated my heart to fulfill this direction from God with more passion and more inspiration.

    Recently God gave me a God dream…and on this web site I received a translation of my dream. In my dream I awoke in the night and saw that my backyard was full of sheep…among the sheep there were monks leading them out of the yard…

    The translation of the dream was that all the slow moving and self discipline that God had been leading me through all those years…it was now behind me and I was prepared to go. Prepared to go? Yes, now is the time for the book and for the training to be a chaplain or pastor….God has perfect timing!!!! All the lamenting that I did was for naught. It is Gods timing and I am in the time that I should be doing the things that He is saying to me. Be encouraged, What we lament, might be….“Delayed obedience” may not be delayed at all…and even if it is…delayed obedience is still obedience…do the right thing and do that thing that God has given you to do. You WILL be blessed!!!!!!!!!Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the mean time…God added a few more instructions to my life…he has added “the Sheep Will Hear His Voice” to the name of my book to reflect “IT’S A GOD THING, The Sheep Will Hear My Voice” and I am now actively researching with my husband a good program to receive instruction to be as a chaplain or pastor. If any readers out there have any insight or ideas on where to receive solid teaching please contact me and God Bless You….
    It is not to late to do that thing that God would have you

  9. Dream nov 7 2009

    I was in an old large building, like a giant house, It had been broken up into a boutique of sorts, each different business rented a part or a different room of the house it was neat…one of these rooms had a huge window from floor to ceiling (that was the room where you entered) on two sides and the whole wall was a window…from this room I could see outside a huge storm and it looked like the end of the world, animals were all loose and running as well as people, the wind was whipping through everything and terror was on the faces of the people running. I saw wild boar and elephants and other exotic or dangerous animals, I saw a woman running with small dead animal in her hand, her pet, maybe a kitten she was crying…everyone inside this building was oblivious to the storm outside…they were watching too, from the window but as if it was a novelty….not real. I wasn’t just concerned about the storm outside and how to survive, but the animals could easily seek shelter and enter this building as well. I began searching the safest place inside as I was expecting horrific devastation and I began to prepar like we would for a tornado.

    I found a little room with a brass handled door…the walls had many coats of paint and felt familiar, like a grandmas house. I had made a bed in one of the larger rooms earlier, but it had turned to mud and someone else had taken my place…they started to get up to give me back my place but I decided that the room was too big to be safe and I really didn’t want a mud bed anyways (even though I was a bit irritated that the woman had taken my place for the brief moment that I was gone, I now was sure I needed to go elsewhere)…
    So in this little room I made a place to rest, I even “borrowed” a pillow from one of the boutiques…they had some lovely old embroidered pillows with pillowcases…I remember I picked the prettiest one first…but then exchanged it for one with less embroidery on it so it would be smoother and more comfortable when I layed on it.

    The house became bigger and now I could see crowds of people walking about like a mall or something…but we were in the same building….in one huge room that I entered, it was lake a huge auditorium, there were a lot of children and they were having fun as they were being raised slightly off the ground…I realized that the affect of the tornadoe was already lifting the children off the ground.

    I then remember thinking….now is the time to go to my small room for shelter…now. And I began to lead a small group of people to the safe place with me…but all of a sudden there were so many doors …all sizes and shapes and I couldn’t remember if it was the double doors or the small door or was it up the hall farther…and I kept opening doors that were not the room that I was suppose to be in and I kept searching….with the people following me…I knew it was here somewhere and that we would eventually find it but I was frustrated with my memory or lack of memory….to remember where the safe room was…in a timely way. Then I awoke…

  10. i work everyday as a life coach for the disabled..one of my clients has a sister who does not know the lord...she has been suffering with a dying son for three years now...and today she called me from the hospital to tell me that she is in the hospital with her 6 year old grandson and he has been diagnosed with leukema...... it is a break through that she called me. In three years it is the first time she has called me for something not related to work. i know that she knows that i love God and she is reaching out...Please pray that Donna would come to know our God and be saved...pray for complete healing of this child and the Glory to go to God....Pray as the Holy Spirit leads ...Bless you. Linda irish

  11. Hi...God has been talking to me in dreams for over 25 years...I have never felt pressed to understand more than I know, until recently. I have always felt happy and a feeling that I am loved and God is reaching out to me ,,, I have several dreams that I always felt God would show me what they mean in His perfect timing.....

    Lately I feel I want more answers and I want them now.....Also I feel strongly as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we are all parts of the body being led to come together in a way that is pleasing to God. I want to share a few dreams that God has given me and ask for divine understanding as God leads.

    dream 1. I saw through my large little squared picture window....a large brown thick haired bear, grabbed a eagle as it was flying by and tore it in to two parts and then I awoke. (maybe 18 mos ago)

    dream 2. I drove my little daughter to town...our little town of Red Bluff, when we arrived the streets and sidewalks were covered with leopard skin and even the tops of the treese were covered with leopard skin...and I awoke (maybe 24 months ago)

    dream 3. A man is leading out of the huge valley that we live in...(in real life I live in the Northern California in a huge valley) as I am climbing the hill out of the valley almost near the top....all of a sudden I wonder about who is leading me, as it becomes clear to me that the valley will flood and people will die.
    approximately 10 mos. ago.

    dream 4. I am in a big hotel having a lot of fun with my family and loved ones...we have been there for quite some time...I take a walk to the lobby and I see my aunt Louise sitting on a couch there ...I sit also. She has a baby on her lap, somehow I feel that this is my baby, maybe my grandchild. For a moment I am distracted and I can see through the huge windows that a horrible storm is taking place outside, and I know(from God) that people are dying. The manager of the hotel comes over to us and tells us that our stay is over and we must leave immediately. My aunt hands me the baby and leaves....I wonder, how will I be able to go upstairs and get all my things If I am taking care of this baby? ....and I wake up.
    dream 5. I am sharing a house with others to save money...it is a big sacrifice....a big flood comes and the walls are caving in and the water is rising...the water is powerful and moving rapidly and powerfully. The house is falling apart....I have jumped into the water to escape...but then I feel I must go back to help the others...when I do the enemy dives in and attacks me in the water, It is evil and I break away. The enemy is on one side and the water is rising...the people in the home who live with us are on the other side and I awake.
    dream 6, About 2.6 years ago or more. A big flood is coming...everyone is afraid, the waters are coming in a huge wall....but all of a sudden the wall stops just short of a path along the mountain that leads to a home on higher ground...there is a huge wall of water just standing there...I can see the fish swimming in it and it just stands until I reach the little house on the hill and I wake up.

  12. For married gals...I have wanted to tithe for a long time but my husband, though he loves God, has had a problem in this area. I called a pastor on Christian radio station KLOVE (dont you just love them?) and he said some men just have problem in this area. I was encouraged to ask for my husbands blessing for me to tithe on "my part" of the finances. He said "What ever you want to do".....I asked again. I told my husband that I only want to tithe If he gives me his blessing with his heart and his words, and he said (finally) "you know...If you feel good about this , go ahead Linda, and I do give you my blessing". I was encouraged.
    I have had good things happen to me in these ten months. For the first time in years there is no fear in my financial area...and I have only "bounced" one check in ten months, much better than my previous record.....so I encourage married women to seek confirmation from their husbands on tithing....it has been awesome !!!

  13. Yesterday was a big day…it was the last day that I could visit with my daughter in law Misty and my little grandson Blake, before they left to go back home to Texas. My son Daniel just got home from Iraq and they were excited to head home to see him. I was so happy for them.

    Recently I was invited to be a guest on a local talk show here in Northern California, called “On Call” I am an Independent Living Instructor, or a Life Coach for people with disabilities. While I was at the studio, recording the show, which by the way, was a really awesome experience, I also met a man who was a Marine who was there to appear on a second show that they were taping that night.

    This marine had spent a lot of time in the war in Iraq, and upon his return to the states his son, also a Marine, actually was being deployed to go to Iraq to serve.

    The Marine, the elder, was in charge of a lot of men while he was serving his tour and I was curious about his faith. “I‘d heard that you were a Christian, Is that true? I asked him and he assured me that he was. “Did this experience make you closer with God? And that’s when the soldier told me that he kept a handkerchief in his pocket with Psalm 91 written on it…and that one scripture he’d held to and had faith in through all his hard times.

    He who dwells in the shelter of the Most high
    Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord,” He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust..”
    Surely He will save you from the fowlers snare
    And from the deadly pestilence.
    He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wing you will find refuge.
    His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    You will not fear the terror of night
    Not the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    Nor the plague that destroys at midday.
    A thousand may fall at your side,
    Ten thousand at your right hand,
    But it will not come near you.
    You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment
    Of the wicked.
    If you make the Most High your dwelling-
    Even the lord, who is my
    Refuge-then no harm will befall you,
    No disaster will come near our tent.
    For he will command his angels
    Concerning you
    To guard you in all your ways;
    So that you will not strike your foot
    Against a stone.
    You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
    You will trample the great lion and the serpent.

    Because he loves me,”
    I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
    He will call upon me and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him, with long life
    will I satisfy him and show him
    my salvation.

    A few weeks ago I was talking to my son Daniel, before he left for Iraq and I’d told him that story…”Man that’s cool, I want one” he said…so I told him I would be happy to make him one. On this day, yesterday, I was determined to take my permanent sharp tipped laundry marker and as nicely and clearly as I was able, to record Psalm 91 on the kerchief for my son Daniel, to have with him when he goes back to Iraq and then to Afghanistan after Christmas.

    I sat on the floor with my pen and carefully worked on the project until it was finished and I read it out loud. Again I marveled at how powerful and loving this Psalm is.

    I held the kerchief in my hand and prayed that God would honor my prayers and protect my son. I prayed my prayer in this order. I pray Father God always for salvation for my son. I pray father that you will protect my son, but moreover Lord I pray for your divine will in my son Daniel’s life.

    Then I folded it neatly in half and got in my car to meet Misty and Blake at my daughters home, to pick them up and say our good-byes and head back to her sisters home where she could get a ride to the airport to head home.

    My destination was about two miles away and just a few blocks from my daughters home a car came out of no where and crashed into me. I could feel myself shaking all over when it was over. I couldn’t think straight, I couldn’t talk at first. but I knew God was with me and I decided to stay where I was at until the police came. Then I realized maybe I should call the police to make sure that they come so I reached for my phone and I dialed 911.

    I was three quarters of the way through the middle of the intersection. My car was blocking traffic. The other people (driving the other vehicle) quickly got out and the woman started screaming obscenities to me with a baby on her hip. She continued to scream about how her car was ruined and she was angry that there was little damage to my car. I stayed in my car, I could hear multiple sirens in the distance. A man came up to my window…he was trimming his lawn but he came over to me to ask if I was ok and to tell me not to worry, I asked him if he would stay with me until the Police came and he said yes. Another younger man came to the passenger window and told me not to be afraid of the people out there and to stay in the car, he said that I would be all right, and he winked kindly at me. The first man, He stayed at my window as I waited for the police. Someone called for an ambulance but I said that I felt all right and I asked how the other family was, was their little boy all right? I was told that there were no injuries.

    The Community Officer who had been directing traffic had shared with me that I did not need to worry as I was clearly not at fault and no one was injured.

    There was a lot of policemen, a lot of measuring interviewing and still the other driver yelled obscenities…an officer finally addressed her and told her not to talk like that with her little boy present.

    Finally it was all over. The last police car had left, and I was free to go, I could still drive my car and I got back in and continued my trek to pick up my daughter in law and my grandson. I thought about Psalm 91 and how God had actively protected me through this whole ordeal. Keeping me safe from injury, any major damage as well as providing two nice men to come and stand guard with me against an aggressive and verbally abusive person. God also provided a community Service man to comfort me with words to assure there was no trouble.
    The other driver had much damage to their car, had their car towed away, possibly from lack of insurance (as no insurance company was listed the report ). Also during this whole thing, a young man came up and told the officer that the woman needed to be tested as she was under the influence of marijuana.

    I arrived at my destination and brought the handkerchief out of the car with with me…I told my daughter and daughter in law about what I’d just been through….and then I unfolded the handkerchief and told them I wanted to read them something. I read Psalm 91 to them as we stood together on this beautiful sunny cool fall day, standing together in a pile of fall leaves in the front yard. I will always remember reading gods words to them…I will always remember this story, and before I went home that night I prayed for salvation for the driver of the car and her family. I pray that they come to the Lord in a powerful way and that they too can experience the peace that passes all understanding. amen

  14. Connie, your post blessed me so much....I also received two confirmations from God on that day that He spoke to me. I did not tell anyone what God had said, a neighbor called be to come down for coffee...but before we started visiting I asked to use her restroom, there, turned upside down was a "Charisma" magazine....and it was turned to an article entitled somethint to the effect of : " Breaking the Lie" that a woman cannot be a minister of the Gospel " Later, My little eight year old grandson came over and we were going to watch "Left Behind" with my husband and my teenager son....After the movie my son came over and put his arm around my shoulder, "Do you see Uncle Dustin"?, I asked my little grandson, "He may look like a big guy, but he is still my little boy, One day he will grow up to do something wonderful, He will be an attorney to help poor people to be treated fair, or he will be a Policeman and help protect people, or he will be a minister and preach the word of God....and my little grandson broke in, He threw his arm out passionately and pointed at me, and in the authority of God, he said, No, no grandma, You, you, will be a minister of the God,

    It made me cry.....funny God gave me two confirmations as well...He says it three times, yeah...He means it !!!

  15. Hi Anna, I am new to this site, but I thought it unusual that I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I saw a vision in the pattern on my floor, It was a woman warrior with a golden formed like head dress on and her hair flying in the wind and a long gown , she was like, suspended in air like she was kick boxing and she had a sword in her right hand...and in all this she looked beautiful. I was saying to God wow..this is awesome...so I made a sketch of it in my notebook. I didn't know who it was for but knew it was from God.

    These are my thoughts on your dream. I agree with True Flight, but I sense this is an end time dream, the latter days, and I have been having some similiar dreams with the "close to the sea" and the waters uprising and storms and floods for over a year now...asking What Lord What? I pray for clear revelation from God for your dream... This is an awesome dream, yea God!!!

  16. I never knew about having a "calling" since I was born again at 22 I was so, and still am, so in love with Jesus and passionate about learning about His ways....but it never crossed my mind that God might want more from me.but I do know that some of my friends had a deep yearning to know more of what God has in store for them....

    But out of the blue...seven years ago God stopped me in my tracks right before I opened my front door to go in...after church. I felt the heaviest presence of God that I'd ever felt...He was stopping me from going in, I started shaking all over, that had never happened to me before...and then I said, "What God...what?" and He said to me, you are not going in until you break off that lie, I asked what lie, and God told me, "The lie, that a woman cannot be a minister of the word of God".....after I asked for confirmation he sent me two that very day....and then God began to give me more specific instructions for me...)something that I could focus my time efforts and resources on.) He told me to write about all our experiences together and put it into a book called "Its a God Thing" The Sheep Will Hear My Voice.....and to then get credentialed as a minister of the Gospel.............

    .I will pray that God will put a fervent and passionate desire in your heart...to do the thing that He wants you to do!!!!!!!!!! In Jesus name we pray....and they all said...Amen
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