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Everything posted by mjtorrence

  1. Hi All I know I am not around the site much been busy since school started back for the girls now I am homeschooling one teen and I never thought it would be so much whew but with the Lord's help I am working thru it, so far we are still waiting for the bank to approve the short sale on the house the appraisal got done so we are just waiting I and my husband are anxious to move in. The other night at bible study the Pastor taught on waiting on God I thought how ironic that would be the topic cause the Lord sure knows that we are getting ants in our pants about wanting to move into this house, but it was a right on time word for us that we have to wait on the Lord and when he says move we will until then we will just sit patiently and wait
  2. Thank you me either I'm glad that God is going before us making the crooked paths straight
  3. I know how you feel the church I used to attend was like this they had there clicks and I was always left out of the secrets in which I didn't care but who would want to attend a church like that attending church should be of great fellowship in the Lord not in the clicks be blessed
  4. Hi ladies and gentlemen Well we put a bid on a house after looking at 82 houses (yes I kept count) Cause my husband was being so picky yet God is still good all the time so now we are waiting for the bank to give us the yes. We are in stood bible believing church I'm loving the new church and the member and the bible study is awesome our girls are so active in the new church even my husband is Blessings to each one of you
  5. well ladies we put a bid on the one house that everyone likes so we are just standing and believing God that he will move on our behalf
  6. Yes it is cholette well today we went to look at houses and tomorrow we are putting a bid on one praise the Lord for he is good
  7. Yes he did we have been praying and standing in faith so after 11 yrs we are on our way
  8. Hi Ladies well I have a praise report well we moved to the other house on two fridays ago I didnt want to go but it was God's will not mine so we decided to go into the new house light and easy so we put a lot of things in storage while we wait, we got a text message from the real estate agent that our loan was approved and we can start looking for our own home to buy I thank each one of you for praying for me I so thank God for making the crooked paths straight and we also are in a good church thank you Lord for you provide and make a way out of no way for your children
  9. Yes I have been praying that they will change
  10. Oh yes I have three children two boys and one girl and then I adopted my three nieces, Yes I only have the word to hold too regarding my two boys who are in the world as of now but I know God will prevail and they will be back in the house of the Lord Thank you so much I actually feel a little better being away from that place but it makes my heart sad that this woman is trying to speak curses and lies but I know the devil is a liar and no weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper
  11. Thank you Dove and Cholette for the prayer and I am in agreement thank you so much makes my heart feel at peace. Yes Cholette this is excatly how this woman is instead of giving people blessings she gives them curses and it makes me so sad that her husband who is the Pastor just stands by and says nothing, yet I am so happy that I have loving people that will stand with me against the forces of evil ( ) for I feel so sorry for this whole church.
  12. yes this is very true Cholette I stayed in a abusive marriage for 20 yrs and like you stated why stay in a abusive church I am so thankful to God for we have finally left, and have found another church that is not a word of faith or charismatic church, I know what it is like to have your children leave church and not ever want to return it has happened to me, yet I thank God that my daughter did leave and go to another church yet my sons even went to the point of saying they dont believe in God this really saddneds my heart that I continued to stay in this kind of church
  13. Hello everyone I and my family need prayer to pray against the spirit of witchcraft, my heart is saddened that this is what it has came too, yet it is what it is, me and my husband just recently left the church that we used to go too my husband found no joy being there and he wasnt receiving the word in his spirit, he has so much joy at the new church, yet we were going to go together and tell the old pastors that we were leaving but the holy spirit told me not to, instead to let my husband go and talk to the Pastor well he did and the pastor gave him his blessings, well I do need to be with my husband and children at the new church and the pastors wife didnt like it that I left too she was so furious and so angry I know how this lady has worked in the past when anyone leaves the church she starts to speak curses and lies about them and over them please keep us in prayer
  14. Hi Soulcry so sorry that you have to endure this harsh treatment as I know first hand because we are in a church similar like this and right now I am trying to find a way out, my husband has no joy when he attends here, I will keep you lifted in prayer
  15. "And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the LORD make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream." Can someone please help to understand this verse better. A prophet is considered a seer (1 Samuel 9:9), because God gives him or her the gift of foreknowledge. God reveals his secrets to prophets (Amos 3:7)
  16. thanks ladies for your prayers and encouraging words and yes all I can do is wait on the Lord for he directs my path and steps thanks again for I will heed the words said to me
  17. Hello everyone been awhile since I have been here, I am, asking for prayer, I remember reading a post that Mia had stated a verse from the bible well yesterday that verse came to me, I currently live in low income housing for 11 yrs and we are waiting to buy our first home, today I get a call from low income housing that they are going to move us from this unit to another one in three weeks, I don't want to move out of low income housing only to move back in low income housing, I want to move into our own home that we own, my husband has everything paid off for his credit and today we talked with the guy from the real estate and he said he will rerun the credit on June 1. Please stand in agreement with me that they will not move us from this house until we find our own home, I am standing in faith that the Lord says "You have not because you ask not so that your joy may be full" well my joy is not full I am so on the verge of crying but I know that will not make it better Please pray with me thanks
  18. Dreamster I will be lifting your brother up to the Lord in prayer daily
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