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About mrswilliams

  • Birthday 05/13/1984
  1. OH MY!!! As I sat here and read that testimony I visualized every part of it and as I sat here in awe like a little child reading a nusery ryhme book all I could think of is oh my I've got to be in his presence!!! Wonderful Wonderful our Lord God is so amazing his wonders are so amazing I can't stand it. I felt like I was reading my bible Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) Blessings Daphanie for sharing
  2. Thanks so much everyone for the different techniques...God Bless You All
  3. Praise God...That's So awesomec and Blessings to you Evangelist!!!!
  4. Thanks everyone, It helps to talk about real situations. I always seem to find everyone that just says "Trust God" which is true but, it helps to talk about feelings and to speak the word into the conversation. I guess "Biblical Dialect" if that makes sense..lol God Bless You All!!!
  5. Your Redemption Draweth Nigh "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28). As these birth pains increase in the world I find my heart getting heavier by the minute. I know as Christians we are supposed to keep our mind focused on God and we should not worry about the things of this world but, I can't help it. I get so sad looking at the birth pains that are happening and find myself crying and just praying have mercy. It saddens me that so many people are blind to the birth pains. It saddens me that so many people are constantly going on about their lives preparing earthly treasures. To think I was there a couple of months ago. I find myself asking God where are the Wise where are my older Christians that are real and not watered down that can teach us from their wrongs. I ask when did we become so Ungrateful when did it get this bad. Once the bandages are removed and you can see with your spiritual eyes what you see becomes overwhelming. I can't even finish this post here comes the tears again my only prayer is Jesus Save them like you saved me.
  6. Hi My SIC & BIC!!!!(Sisters In Christ & Brothers In Christ) I was just wondering if you guys had any good techniques that helped you with memorizing scripture. I'm very bad at memorizing things and I try so hard but, I seem to focus on more of the meat of the story and really understanding the story versus memorizing scripture. I've been praying about this as well.
  7. Lord I stand in agreement right now with Nubava and the rest of the members of this board. For you said that where 2 or more are gathered in your name you are here in the midst so I thank you for hearing our prayers. In Jesus Name Amen
  8. Praise God! He is so Awesome and Worthy to be praised. Blue101 I also just want to add to you that God has given you a child for a season. You don't have to physically give birth to a child to Mother them. In this season your niece needs you and you are being an awesome Mother to her. To God be the Glory for that alone:) God Bless You
  9. Yes Father!!! Nubava Perfect scripture! and justblueskies...Interceding for your Inlaws is what the enemy does not want you to do so keep praying and blessing them and standing in the gap for them. Start Binding those evil spirits and loosing the Fruit of the spirit in your family.
  10. justblueskies, When you start thinking negative....Just start singing a praise song start worshiping. The enemy can't stand up against Praise and Worship. When I think a negative thought I just confess it to God and replace it with his truth.
  11. I Love his Show!!!! The stories about miracles and Healings are awesome they are for us today just as much as they are for those in the Bible Days.
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