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Everything posted by Zhuge

  1. Zhuge

    repromote rsmeep13

    fixed. ip is
  2. people can fake usernames Lol..
  3. doesnt work fully i can see the /log commands but not the bone/stick thing for info
  4. lol you have no right to talk or even suggest anything. By giving up your rank, you gave up all power and voice you ever had.
  5. Zhuge

    d3beta obtained :D

    the orange thing? thats exp
  6. Zhuge

    d3beta obtained :D

    first pic.. den of the fallen
  7. Post your Tag here if you have it
  8. Yea testi theory if it happens and you are jailed its appllefreak then. Atm we got 2 suspects
  9. The jail was for the grieifing incidents not stealing
  10. Mouf is making a joke out of himself. You gm suicided and now none of the gms trust you. He is leaving aitm for another server. Also i posted that vid cause you were leaving not that i wanted to.
  11. Cause you resisted investigation. Right after mwater said it wasnt him his stuff got griefed. That puts you in a bad spot. Also there were other incidents like A full enchant table going missing
  12. it means demons too fat and couldnt fit into 2 chests.
  13. you really want to try to accuse me? i already have enough diamonds why would i bother stealing yours Lol
  14. Zhuge

    Declaration of war

    what exactly happened?
  15. Declaration of war vs spindle_shanks reason killing ph03b3 and mattizwe, 2 of my teammates. read final post
  16. Zhuge

    Server Maintenance

    isnt fragor in that chunk as well?
  17. I say no. his bro, who is 19 is a adept, that would cause serious balance issues.
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