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Everything posted by TheLostDarkness

  1. Well Sloth me Boi. Have a nice time and dont forget to come back and see us :3
  2. Yeah, that joke was liek. So intended. Lawls it all for me
  3. The stachetrio. They had amazing talent but it was cut short by the work of others... R.I.P. <3
  4. I must admit. That is a very nice stache. +1
  5. Back to the related topic at hand >.> I believe it was apple. Someone came up mentioning it so...
  6. Name : ConkerXD Date : 20th of March Rank : Pupil to Mason Reason : He has the correct time and has made some good builds here in Aitm. He has never greifed or been kicked or (to my knowledge) warned of anything. He had drawn 32k blocks while a pupil showing willingness to use commands in a good way. If any more information is needed towards this promotion, just ask me anything. More Info : Non needed.
  7. The only non mod commands I use is the odd /fill2d and /z air for removing any 'inappropriate' things (pillars etc) Sometimes I may use other things but generally not. The bigger build limit is just to copy larger things maybe? Idk but you can build without a larger one
  8. Is this restricted to Artisans? Because if it is It may be too late Just saying
  9. That was actually kinda cool in a drugged up kinda way. I love anything to do with stop-frame clips so (Y)
  10. *whispers to Zayny* Im sorry. Your life is a lie. After 1.3.5 they had to close Minecraft due to lack of funds.
  11. Just in... Just i... *drinks windowcleaner* Should help the pain
  12. I know I am not expert+ but I feel I may be able to input. I, ofcourse, I can see where you are coming from. If the person is kicked, we can tp to you and see the grief. If they arent, we can still come if you say. Freeze isnt really used nowadays due to the inactivity of the server but may be used more in the upcoming weeks. The reasoning of using the rules in the kicks is good and may make them stop but ,as said, it usually does tend to be too much grief or not enough etc. Also, you arent judged on the amount of kicks. Say a artisan has 200+ kicks in a week, they could have easily seen one block of grief and went 'Grief!' and then kicked. Same as someone who, as you said, may not mod at all and have none. It all evens out. If you do mod as much as you say, then it has been noticed whether you think it is or not. Everything you do is noticed be it good or bad. My personal opinion, this could work out in busier times but now may not be applicable.
  13. ask Doom is he is loved and he will outright try to simmer it down or deny it. Be as true as it is, he would sabotage himself to not win... Plus, me and demonic are the only peados so...
  14. Really? This is a serious forum and you are trying to redirect someone to a person on youtube?
  15. Woah, who said I was D:< I was simply pointing out gunpowder's usefullness. Gawd!
  16. Bahaha! I still have 1.1 I could email it if anyone wants it. It has TMI and ReisMinimap Js
  17. Lime is too close to Expert. Magneta too close to cool. Just give this pointless topic up ._. To change it would involve unneeded effort.
  18. *nominates MattiZwe for being the coolest kid ever True story
  19. I always call people sons or bros. Non gender specific. And Life is awesome to smoke. Its all about the inhalation
  20. Pics or it didnt happen. Plus, Quit whining D:< Its a colour, not like you will be called Noobs by the novices or anything. Gawd. But I can see where you are coming from. It can be hard. But can a Mason freeze :3
  21. Only expert+ can unban an Ip ban I believe
  22. Ditto to Hollow I havent spoke much to you But yeah. May be good
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