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About Kokonee

  • Birthday 11/30/1953
  1. I was hoping we'd have a Charlie Brown Halloween theme...with sheets with holes and Great Pumpkin things. Oh...and WWII flying ace outfits! I'm totally not into this week and next week's stuff. Yuck.
  2. Tell the truth...what do you think of next week's items?
  3. Isn't Pettlegeuse (the 2nd one) is from Beetlejuice?
  4. Last week, there was an item called, "Lady in Waiting" (she might still be in the Boutique). She is this very dear, sweet looking kitty who, when you click on her, will select an outfit for you to wear. Dear me! She tries so hard, too! But the outfits turn out...well, strange. As you can see from the images posted here. If you find her at a friend's house, click on her! You will see what the excitement is about!
  5. The Mayor's Animals are quite a nuisance! Always getting lost! And today, look what Kokonee found while taking her daily walk:
  6. I was disappointed too, when I realized we are having another Re-run week. They did do Oz nicely last time, we don't need more. I really want to see more themes based on the countries we live in, instead of Disney movies and pink stuff! At least Oz is yellow brick roads and Emerald Cities!
  7. Suzanne, this is very nice of you! Kokonee is all set, but thanks!
  8. Kokonee just jumped up and down when she heard this news! Oh, wait, maybe she was borrowing your jello.... Anyway, It was your week and you deserve the prize for a Most Delicious Room!
  9. The fanpage has reached their 11,000,000 fans mark! This means they are giving away the bear balloon now! Go get it! (and it is something the pets can carry around, very cute)
  10. Regarding one of the most annoying features of the game... I figured out how to get those stupid animals of the Mayor's! Some hints; 1. You don't have to wander through your entire neighborhood, only one "panel". On my screen, I can see a faint white line where the panel ends. 2. When you first go outside, don't start moving your pet until some of your neighbor pets pop into the screen. The animals are the last thing to pop in. 3. Similarly, after you do click on an animal, don't move your pet until after the coin disappears. I have actually seen a new animal pop into existence right before my very eyes as I wait! 4. If you stop every once in a while to give the animals a chance to pop in, you will find new animals in areas you've already past! I hope this helps! I know lots of folks have given up getting the Mayor's blue boxes, but I'd rather get a free blue box than paying and getting the same stupid item time after time!
  11. You should be able to click on "build" the extra parts should stay towards building another
  12. I missed the posting... ....and now the link says it has expired darn!
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