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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Here are my latest offerings in the trader! As you can see, I am getting some pretty nice Fluffies, some with glitch eyes. Adoptions are free!
  2. And I believe I have her twin sister! Her name is "Redwood" as she reminds me of the color of Redwood trees.
  3. We can see the episodes online....is FOX available to you?
  4. You all make me sick! (not really) K has maybe 1,000. Earlier this week she got down to 66! I guess it is because I didn't get on much last week.
  5. [Squeals of delight!] Oh, sorry, everyone! Since I was/am a "Joan of Arcadia" (best show canceled after just 2 seasons) fan... and a "House" fan ... I am so excited that she will be on "House" beginning this Monday!!! Okay, I know this isn't the Joan of Arcadia forum; but that is where Tiddly Winks and I met. Does anyone else care?
  6. Starlight is awesome! Okay...expect a SB request!
  7. Yeah! Finally got to level 55 and another yard! So now my first room is also full of additional FREE kitties! If you find one there you like, just drop me a note
  8. Rocio, I am so glad you are adopting Autumn! She is really beautiful with those cool eyes! Enjoy!
  9. I've updated my trader offerings; MiniLana and Chickpea are mini kitties
  10. It seems harder to get experience points these days... and then I noticed that I got coins but no XPs when cleaning neighbors' litter boxes! Didn't we use to get pts? I still get pts cleaning my own. Is it my level? Anyone else notice this? So, what is the best to get experience points? Someone suggested buying refrigerators. I did that, you get 1300 pts, but the process is tedious. Buy a fridge, sell a fridge, buy a fridge, sell a fridge. Yikes!! I have 4 cats in my gift box waiting for room and some more waiting to hatch! I am at level 54, half way to level 55 and a new yard.
  11. Yvette, how did the glowing half breed turn out? Post a picture if you can!
  12. I am thinking to give up my BIG cats. They are in Yard 2 with one biggish one (Lemon Bars) in yard 3. I have... "Iridides" - a Catzilla, purebred (female) "Garibaldi" - an "almost" Catzilla - Red-orange, Red spots with black stripes, red eyes, does flips (male) "Aquavelvet" - Aqua, with orange and white stripes and black spots, green eyes (male) "Spike" - Pale cream, with white stripes and black spots, green eyes (male) and one of my favs! "Mulberry" - Purple, black spots, turquoise eyes (male) "Rootbeer" - Brown, black spots, purple eyes (male) dances, digs for presents "Olive" - Olive green, red spots,, turquoise eyes (male) "Bones" - Fluffy,light & dark pink and blue, glitch eyes (male)
  13. I was so surprised to see this kitty emerge! Her sibling, born earlier of the same parents is bright green. Here is my "Aquagirl"
  14. Here are the selections from my trader... Two Minis: Mini Lana and Chickpea Random half breed: Autumn, with orange glitch eyes Albino half breed: Mawie (Dad is Wikiki aka "White Kitty") Mimi is a sweet pink with lavender feet! Skipper is a lot like her mother, so I am offering her to you Limona is half citrus (or 3/4 citrus) with the lovely citrus eyes Namaste has been claimed Please adopt one! I am completely full to capacity, with kittens ready to grow and cat in the gift box! Gotta learn to breed responsibly!
  15. Believe it or not, I use to be a dog person. I am still particularly fond of all retrievers as we had a Golden. But.... Cat person! of course
  16. Well, I named him that because I thought you might be interested...has a red tail!
  17. LOL! Well THAT sure is helpful! (not) But I'm glad they know about it.
  18. Social Breeding seems to be not working. I know I've been sent requests, but have not received any. Has anyone heard about what's going on?
  19. Thanks, Yvette! I took a guess that "Red" (the fluffy with a code) was for me! Yeah! He is home in my third room now. I have some new kitties up; there are two minis (MiniLana and Chickpea) and some other cuties....hee hee, one is called "Namaste"
  20. I think I must be the only one here that feels this way, but I'm just not into the Vampire Week. My apologies to everyone. And, given that I am away from home at the moment anyway, Kokonee has decided to boycott Vampire Week and Celebrate Orange Pearls instead! She would love if anyone else feels the same way about this week's theme also show off the Orange Pearls! So, apologies to Kokonee's neighbors...she won't be doing much gifting.
  21. Leah, what room are your fluffies in? Maybe we can do some social breeding?
  22. I'm so excited!!! One of my newest kittens will Sing and Morph!!!! Yahoo!
  23. Yeah! Thanks for adopting!!! And of course they are cute!!!
  24. the candies are great for quick treats for your pet. They also make great fishing bait! Oh, and gifts! You can give them away!
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