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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Kokonee

    saying hello

    Thanks, everyone! I have been visiting my sister, a nonsmoker, who has advanced lung cancer. Today, I will be going to visit my parents for the weekend. Then, go on home. It is a long drive, and I will be breaking it up into two days of driving. I miss my hubby and kitties.
  2. I got to visit my Aunt! *darn* I had a nice visit, too, but missed out on the pet.
  3. Kokonee

    saying hello

    I'm just stopping in to say hello... I have busy with excess reality. I've been just checking in on my games, but not doing much. Sorry that I haven't been returning the favor of free gifts...but if things return to any sense of normality, I will get back to writing notes and gifting. Love you all!
  4. I just put out the following: Sparkling Artic Dog (f) Foghat: a small Large cat, grey with spots and purple eyes (mother digs up presents) El Fuzz: two toned purple, calico style
  5. Not the best of pics...The adult purple cat is a "Fluffy" cat. Also there is a fluffy kitten to her right with light yellow paws:
  6. I would like to collect the "Fluffy" (not the "Scruffy" ones) cats. I assume they are Crowdstar's attempt at a Persian cat. Let me know if you get any you want to pass on. Thanks!
  7. I have a Sparkling Artic Dog to give away! Anyone want him?
  8. My too! I had four unsuccessful attempts to one success.
  9. I'm in line for a dog! Since I'm only doing cats, first one that drops me a in-game note I will gift it to. I should get it tomorrow if I am able to get on line.
  10. And welcome, EMZ! Nice to have you join us!
  11. Kokonee

    Autumn pets needed

    Thanks! That's the Pilgrim dress, I think from last year.
  12. well, most of the stuff I am glad to see go...like the orchid! But I never did get those chili candles, I thought they would be nice for Kokonee's chapel. Oh well.
  13. I claimed her! And renamed her "Granola Queen" because of all the bits on her! Oh, and I put a lovely dark grey and orange striped kitty with red eyes in the trader...has sparkles too!
  14. Kokonee

    Autumn pets needed

    Here are my Happy Pets autumn cats! I'm sorry, but I don't know how to isolate them. And, as usual, Julius is showing off!
  15. Yeah! Happy Dance Time! Congratulations! Yasou!!!
  16. I love this table! (it was a gift) And, like TW, I have mixed feelings about the glitch. It is a way around paying for something. And that does bring up the ethical issues of the game. But in the meantime, Kokonee has it in her bathroom, room 5! Just clean up afterwards.
  17. Here's another... You know you are addicted to Happy Pets when you go to the forum and scroll all the way down to "other games" first!
  18. Yeah for you too, Yvette! And to celebrate the nursery; now accepting all social breeding requests! Well, I have been anyway, but now I have room!
  19. Great surprise today! Ta-Da!!!!!! I have a nursery!!!!!! (3 weeks later, but hey...it's there!)
  20. Your hubby threatens an "intervention"! he really did! It's all your fault, Yvette, you evil girl you!
  21. I wonder if anyone does the "diaper the baby doll with your eyes closed" game anymore. I mean, who uses real diapers?
  22. Beautiful! How about "Neelix"? But that is a male name...what was his companion's name? The one that turned into energy?
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