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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Happy Birthday, Indonesia! And especially to my newest PS neighbor!
  2. What color are your eyes naturally?
  3. Good for you, Yvette! I can understand the "Go to a breeder" idea; but both of our cats are from the shelter. You do need to be careful and be sure to interact with the cat/kitten before you adopt. If it is scared, doesn't play with toys, doesn't like to be picked up...do not adopt no matter how cute they are! It can be difficult to do!
  4. Oh my! Kasi is a cutiepie! Hmmm....does he have a British shirt too? I'm so glad you enjoy Hi JInx! (I sent Hi Jinx to Yvette, just couldn't resist that!)
  5. I agree everyone: Cats rule, Dogs drool!
  6. Alright, let's see the pics of your pets eating the huge food! Of course, Kokonee chose the really big hunk of chocolate (and I am so jealous!);
  7. It's big! It's pink! And it's really, really UGLY!
  8. You'll be in our prayers! And our pets will keep Rocky company!
  9. Hee hee! Glad you all enjoyed! We have a large pond in our back yard and Hobbes is the great "Frogger"! It is so funny that he put this frog in Abers' bowl! We do sometimes find small rodents on our porch, but I think they might be from Aberdeen.
  10. darn! I tried to add you and it didn't happen! another glitch...
  11. I have duplicate baskets! Since I don't have a nursery, I moved all the baskets into the first room. But there are two baskets that also appear in another room! I am wondering if I will get duplicate cats? Oh, and I only feed the ones in the first room and the others never get hungry! bizarre! Yvette, you should name your kitty in the nursery, "Babysitter"!
  12. "That's not my diet cat food" So, Abers came into the kitchen for his breakfast but his fuzzy brother, Hobbes dropped off a special treat for him! Hobbes was very excited to have caught this frog early this morning and was meowing happily. So I had to go see what the fuss was. I have no idea why he put it in Aberdeen's food bowl. But Hobbes wanted me to check it out. Once he knew that I saw it, he ran away meowing. I did not know that cats had a sense of humor. I think Hobbs was laughing. The frog was fine and was returned to our pond.
  13. Just for that, you better add me into your neighborhood!
  14. And gee, why would you do that? (Chaplain Kokonee rolls her eyes and goes to check on her duckie attic...)
  15. What a cutiepie! Yes, knuddling is definitely in order! Did Sven give her a name?
  16. Chaplain Kokonee has a secret... Deep underground she has a hidden room for Magic!
  17. Kokonee

    My siggy...

    lol, Smorkle! You look like one of my neighboring pets who is green and she likes to wear the 'stash!
  18. So, which animal exhibit was the best?
  19. I SO wanted to gift you a poley!!!! But I only have 7 FB credits. I am so glad that you got the pair...and I love their names: Knut and Floke!
  20. And I did discover who the mysterious cat who is giving me prezzies (besides seashell)! It is her kitten, Nautilus! Didn't know a kitten could do that!
  21. Red Dragons are for Wales!!!!! Yippie!
  22. I find inhaling when you get the injection helps. And do get the shot. My mother had meningitis and it took away much of her hearing (she now has 60% in one ear and only 10% in the other) and she does not have the stamina she use to.
  23. Oh! That's much easier than converting to metric! Thanks~
  24. I just asked for Miriam! I'd love to have a purple kitty!
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