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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. I have been digging...and enjoy it a bit. But SO frustrating!!!!!!! I have not gotten any of the Rare items!!! I have gotten weekly items but no rares!
  2. Kokanee is a land-locked salmon. img]http://www.dec.ny.gov/images/fish_marine_images/kokaneesal.gif[/img] We named a cat Kokanee...but she disappeared. Which made us very sad. She was the purrfect Halloween kitty! So, when I started playing, I thought I would name my pet after her. But I changed the spelling to Kokonee[
  3. Kokonee will spend lots of time with Tiddles! Have a great time~
  4. Actually, it is two windows, one door and two brick wall pieces...
  5. I wish it would only pop up if you have shovels available!
  6. I discovered that if you remove the playhouse from the room, the extra room remains and can be accessed by clicking the spot below your regular rooms.
  7. That's a short trip! I know, I know...you can join me there! Looking for employment really is wearisome! Same thing is going on at this household.
  8. Okay, I know I can't enter this week...but does this week include garages and the Playhouse?
  9. WOW!!! Thank you everybody! And special thanks to the Admins & Mods of this forum! (Tiddly, shame on you for misleading me...silly bear!) Hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th...if it was with or without fireworks!
  10. Yeah, at first I thought maybe the orange was for level 47. But then, my hubby's pet, Zorro, also has an orange bar. So much for brilliant thoughts...
  11. Just wondering if anyone plays these Scrabble type games on Facebook? I'm not a real regular player (because of my spelling) but I do enjoy the challenge!
  12. Special thanks to all you non-Americans who have wished us Happy Independence day! Tonight are fireworks! Yippie!!!
  13. Thanks! I love those "colorful flowers"! For those on my friend's list....keep on sending them!
  14. Big Thumb's up for our neighbors up North eh?
  15. ...always cracks me up! Because the first thing I see is, "You are disconnected" I know that I'm a bit off but...
  16. Have a good trip! Kokonee will look in on Funny and make sure she doesn't get sad without you.
  17. Here is Kokonee's very simple Fourth of July Picnic..."Let them eat cake!" and watch the fireworks!
  18. Kokonee

    Had to urgently go...

    Ticks: EWWEeewweew! The thought of body parasites gives me the heebee-jeebees! I can stand snakes, spiders, mice but ticks and lice: EWWEeewweew! Around here we have to be real careful about tick bites as they carry "Lyme Disease".
  19. Well you know the old saying 'birds of a feather flock together'.
  20. Aw, Yvette, we all know you are off your rocker! But that is beside the point! I woke up today and the first thing I thought was, "I wonder if Yvette had a visitor last night?"
  21. I have a question related to this; what would you do if someone on your friends' list sent you this item? Would you keep it? Would you keep the "friend"?
  22. Maybe if you try to think what era his clothes seem to be from? Then, when you talk with the neighbors you can narrow down events in your building! I don't know why; but it reminds me of Judith in Joan of Arcadia when, as a ghost, she walks through the middle of the table! My hubby and I are pretty certain we have kitty ghosts. We have both "seen" them from the corner of our eyes and almost tripped on them!
  23. Bathing suit Elegant Everyday (and talent!) One Color
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