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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Kokonee

    All alone!

    OMG! I am the only one here at the moment.... I guess I will log off too. Love you all!
  2. Kokonee

    Why do I do it??

    Well, you could always do what my mother did; she would have us invite the same number of friends as the age we were turning, minus one. So, next year, you invite three children (your daughter would be the fourth). Mom read this in some "how to parent" book. Although, I must say us kids were not too fond of the rule!
  3. What a sweetie! Wow! I know that magazine!
  4. I love it that the slice of wedding cake is chocolate! Hmmmm...must have chocolate.....drool....
  5. Well, Kokonee always has the chapel; she just changes the decorations for the seasons.
  6. Shall Chaplain Kokonee come by to preside over the ceremony? Or has the Captain already done that?
  7. Chaplain Kokonee has the Chapel and Parish Hall all ready for Weddings! Send me a message if you would like to book a date!
  8. I was wondering where that wig came from! And it is still Monday here, and I really don't want to mess with my computer's time/day thingy. I hope there will be some in the am when I get up...
  9. I have several of those. And why is "yarrow apricot" pink? It should be a pale orange! The one I don't have more than one of is the poppy.
  10. Hey! I figured out what happened to your nail polish! Hideeni put it there!!!!! Mwwwaaaahahahahha!
  11. I was wondering "What's up with the donuts?" And then I heard that today is "National Donut Day" and Krispy Kremes are giving away free donuts! I wonder if that was planned...
  12. Dear me...I suppose I'll have to get all the wedding stuff since Chaplain Kokonee does weddings in her chapel! She has presided over two marriages in PS already. So, if you have a pet planning on getting married...do let us know!
  13. Looks like Hideeni is really "on the ball"
  14. Tiddly, it is so good that you are my friend because otherwise, I'd be in trouble!
  15. Are you referring to my parents naming me? My grandmother was named Anastasia, so I was named for her. But my mom thought that was too long a name for a little baby, so they shortened it to Stasia. Like, they thought I was going to be a little baby forever? That must be the reason I'm short!
  16. I noticed too that we use to get 17pts for feeding pets (I think). Now its just a few pts, so why bother?
  17. thank you sarah! And my name...Stasia...is from Anastasia too!! Wish I got the "Ana" part.
  18. I feel bad when Kokonee is hungry and all I have to feed her is candy or baklava! I think she needs to eat healthy. (but I did discover that for 30 coins, a piece of baklava fills up a pet nicely, better than the healthy stuff!) And I'm guessing to "lose the plot" is British for being "a few bricks short of a load"! "Of all the things I've lost; I miss my mind the most!"
  19. I believe your second Spring is Fall (Sept, Oct, Nov) Actually, technically speaking, it is: Spring - March 20-June 21 Summer - June 22-Sept 20 Fall (Autumn) - Sept 21-Dec 21 Winter - Dec 22-March 19
  20. Kokonee

    Afternoon folks!!!!

    Oh, please Ames, tell us what Mookie thinks is hot or not this week! We need your guidance!
  21. Ah, Yvette! This totally blows! I'm so sorry that you and Sven are experiencing this garbage right now. And you are right, drinking is no excuse for anything! You know, I've built my hopes up for several jobs over the past 6 years only to have the door slammed in my face. So, from first hand experience, I can really empathize. But you know, Sven WILL get a Chemistry job! Because he deserves to! Sending you lots of hugs; from me and Abers!
  22. Kokonee

    Afternoon folks!!!!

    Glad to see you checking in, Ames! Oooh...did you see Sourpuss in Glasgow? I can't imagine the game without Mookie! But do what you need to do. Big HUGS and smooches!
  23. And from the Pacific Time Zone: We Love You, Yvette! from Kokonee, Stas, and Aberdeen!
  24. Yeah for another meeting in real life (whatever that is!) Tiddly, you and I can go to Mexico together; what do you say? My Spanish is better than yours...and then we'll go to Greece and visit with Lucky Strike!
  25. Kokonee


    Well, I did manage to get back to sleep around 6:30 and woke at almost 10! Made me feel fuzzy all day. I am very fortunate that I have a sweetie who gave me my own laptop so I don't have those fights! The two of us sit in the living room, each with our own laptop. Yvette will tell you that's true!
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