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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Don't forget PS has the beanstalk already! Jack and the Beanstalk! I'd say yes to "Beauty and The Beast" too! And in December..."The Nutcracker"!
  2. Through Tiddly Winks...she is always getting me in trouble!
  3. Noooooo! Does this mean you are leaving the forum too? Who will be on when I am?
  4. Welcome back, Yvette! Tiddly Winks has been well looked after while you were gone...the girls got into all sorts of trouble!
  5. I just did some digging with no problems...other than not digging up anything worthwhile to mention!
  6. Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Whoooowhoooo! Thank you!
  7. I saw the new "free shovels" posts; but of course they were all claimed. Can't wait to get Gretel! I'd send it right away to Tiddly Winks!
  8. I am addicted to Pet Society!!!! (and its Tiddly Winks fault!)
  9. But all he has been giving out this week seems to be Spanish flags!
  10. And now it is 10pm Pacific Time! I was wondering why you were online, Lazaar! But us Pacific Timers are honored with your presence!
  11. love it! I know, homegrown veggies can be an endless source of amusement! My brother grows oranges and always looks for the "most alien" one!
  12. Kokonee was delighted to see Rocky! (she had a big hug for him) Did you do a lot of gifting yesterday? That could be why you were suspended. They (PF) are trying to limit the amount of gifting we can do.
  13. It is the first limited item I've been able to get!!! My only beef about it is that I wish it was a little wider...
  14. We are all glad you are back!
  15. Pet Society and sometimes Lexolus (a scrabble-like game)
  16. My real life cat, Aberdeen (the one Tiddly Winks is in love with), LOVES cheese! Actually, any dairy product! I think he'd be very happy to be a dairy farm kitty!
  17. How did I miss this thread? Congratulations! Wishing for you a healthy and happy bundle of joy!
  18. Big hugs and smooches! Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  19. Kokonee

    Hiya Guys!!!

    Kokonee needs to know from Mookie what is in and what is not this week! Too many decisions! Is the Egyptian Look still "in"? Blue or Pink French look? Oh, please! Post so we can know!
  20. I would LOVE to find the black Egyptian cat! A friend just sent me the Cleopatra dress as her male pet doesn't cross-dress! And I'm still working my my Sphinx. I usually find only one or two items with the five shovels.
  21. She's a cat...she looovvvveesssss Cheese! Anyone else?
  22. I have had the worse luck with Egypt!!!!!!!!! But I haven't been able to find a rare in any of them.
  23. And two are naked as well!!!! This is Chaplain Kokonee's ministry; the feeding of the these poor abandoned Pets! Donations to the Chapel's Food Bank are always welcomed!
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