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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Hi tweet just found the 999s and was wondering what it was for , sorry forgot to check back here will send the board and iron over now
  2. Hello , i would like to buy mummy doll, white owl doll and bat doll please will send f/r
  3. thanks lea xxx didnt really know where to put it
  4. Paige<3

    how did you....?

    I remember how i got here well on TOF c&g had been completely wiped out and out comps , which was sadly disappointing , after that happened , i didn't really like that forum much anymore , c&g was why i stayed there... i found out it had been deleted through zoonie in fb i went to it and accidently closed it and well only opened the msg after a While.. and then clicked it again and joined well, so now im here
  5. Welcome !!! This is a thread for everyone , not just me, To post some happy birthday pics , example: Please no links to sites , rude messages or inappropriate photos posted thank you! anyone is allowed to use any of the pics posted in this thread , to wish someone a happy birthday on the forum unless someone strictly advises they dont want them used by others
  6. Scrivi qui e vorrei aggiungere lei ed io vi verrà inviata una libera presenti in pet society! Anche se hai bisogno di aiuto con il Forum sentitevi liberi di messaggio PRIVATO me!
  7. how much is the big ben click thing?? 4*999? xx thankyou
  8. can i please take #6 Stef (if thats taken can i please choose #37)?? thanks xxx will send the gmb over
  9. Hannah are you still here?? havent received the mask yet
  10. Really? Thanks for telling. How did you put in the URL in the word "here"?? Just asking... oh and just to answer this question... step 1 . copy the url you want such as www.petsocietyfan.com step 2 . click the link button which is in the text toolbar (it looks like part of a chain) step 3 . once you clicked on the link button a box will pop up with 2 extra smaller boxes inside , paste the link in the first one step 4 . if you want to cover it with text such as HERE , type that in the box under that HERE then just post it
  11. Hello Isa , welcome to the forum!! Nice to meet you im sure you will enjoy it here , if you need any assistance feel free to ask
  12. thankyou!!! accepted f/r loading ps
  13. going to try and get a couple minutes sleep will come back if i cant
  14. hehe kijo thankyou , but you still were the polish up girl on my siggy x
  15. Yes i use gimp most of the time now , im pretty used of it now yep figured out how to add fonts and watched heaps of tutorials of special features in gimp cool!! if you find any tutorials that are really helpful, please send them my way .... I have been doing a bit of experimenting lately with the filters and they are pretty cool ... i bookmarked alot of them !!! the sadest thing is , on this forum it said something like dont forget to bookmark psfc ... so i pressed it , next thing i know my bookmarks bar is empty and so was the tab with my Other bookmarks i was really disappointed because some of them were really easy to understand , but some were hard to find.. if i come across some more again , ill pm you the links
  16. hehe u werent being rude at all!!! hope you get time to do them i think the next time ill change my siggy , when saint patricks day comes around
  17. have you tried going through your own posts?? maybe it can be found somewhere in there... do you know what forum it was in?? meaning competitions or something else??
  18. Yes i use gimp most of the time now , im pretty used of it now yep figured out how to add fonts and watched heaps of tutorials of special features in gimp
  19. Hello , if your looking for one its best to make a thread in the looking for section of the trading forum thankyou x Sorry. I saw you are having discussion on trading. So I thought I can trade here. Thanks for the advisce =) no problem xx
  20. hehe thanks Tanya (but cant take all the credit kijo added the border and my name xxx) love yours too!
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