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Everything posted by BabyPeach

  1. I am doing my verrrrry first trade eva!! I am getting nervous and I want to check to see if the trader is on the safe list!
  2. 1 999 plus 1 gmb for heart clutch? I know u said just 1 999!! But I just like to give!!
  3. I feel sorry for the poor monkey! He had to go on a date with Hideeni!! YYYYYUCKKK FEST POOOR MONKEY!
  4. Okay!!! This really isn't only going to cost you one dime! But hey its catchy!! Poor pets want to make their house look nice and, but they don't want to use every cent!! So I have some ideas that won't cost much!! A couple are gonna be a little spendy but hey I donate! Getting all my pictures together I will post them in like ten minutes! Be patient!! Also if any of u guys have some cool decorating ideas! Feel free to post a PIC! [b]Total: Like 4,300 I didn't add the plushies~~ Sorry if the total is wrong I have to go to bed so I didn't get to add it perfectly! I did it fast in my head. You can also use the cheap 50 coin or the black candy stripe halloween ones for a more edgier dramatic style. Clean cut Attic Total:4,300 [img]Sorry if the total is wrong I have to go to bed so I didn't get to add it perfectly! I did it fast in my head. I apologize for all the goth pets that are probably throwing up right now......
  7. Ayathon send me some beautiful pink poo! But I clicked on it to pick it up and move it and it dissapeareD!!! I am so mad why did it do that? I never experienced poo before? lol my pet never made any!!!!!!!! AH!! PS: Ayathon I sent you a gift in return! Check ur ps!
  8. My pet Ambi is 1 and half years old! She still hasn't found her special someone yet. This is a thread for single pets to share! Share a picture of your pet and if he or she wishes they have a bf or gf. OR!! Why you are glad that you are single and why you are proud!This is just for fun! Also I have a funny video I wanna share! Heres the link! ITS PEYONCE! PS: I AM GONNA POST A PIC TOO! I'll post in ten minutes or so.
  9. Yeah they are cute! Better than Playfish forum selection. I came to this forum because it isn't as crowed and its alot more fun!
  10. Oh well! I am just glad Playfish is improving the game! That is all that counts!
  11. Sorry I didn't think about the IP address...sorry to give semi-wrong advice Next time I'll keep my big mouth shut and wait for a mod to post an answer... Thats okay Jennifer! Its always nice to help!
  12. REALLY? Can I have some? I'll give you a gift in return!
  13. I know I love it! Before I didn't wanna share since it took so long.
  14. I was visting friends and than this popped up! It was new they never had the message thing before the facebook share button would pop up! Now when I press share it is ALOT faster and I actually wanna press share now! Before I hardly ever pressed share! SINCE ITS SO SLOW! And I have a new fast computer and it was still slow.Anybody notice that to? Now it works perfect!! [b]
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