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Everything posted by BabyPeach

  1. THIS IS SO IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME! I am way to scared to bet! I hate losing money! Does anybody have this trophy and who agrees that it is IMPOSSIBLE? I am trying to get the trophy where you have to win betting 100 times and my best is only a pathetic 20!!
  2. I would like a cute snow bunny costume for our pet! With a cute skirt and a furry coat and some adorable bunny ears! BUt playfish never does skirts! RAwr
  3. I wonder what would happen if we had both! The repellent and the plushie! would hideeni still come or would he stay away?
  4. Yes!!! I can understand why hideeni would like such a pretty kitty! But i feel sorry for the kitty. I would never wanna date hideeni! Y-U-C-K
  5. I just checked the blog and they have a hideeni repellent! Whoo hoo! [img][/img] Theres also a hideeni bribe!! If you give it to him he will give u one of his free gifts! Its for if your friends arent posting! Theres a hideeni magnet too! Apparently he has a thing for kitties! But im not sure if I want to attract a dude in a monkey suit! But the plushie is sooo cute! I just might buy it!
  6. I don't like it! Theres creepy pets outside that aren't even on my friends list!
  7. haha he did that to me!! no more hideeni! now they have hideeni suits~
  8. So my pet was changing into a new halloween costume when hideeni walks by!!! AAAAAAAAAH! He always come when A: My pet is changing B shes taking a bath!!!! C: shes on a date
  9. 712 coins! 1 year ago i had over 60 thousand coins, but when it was Christmas in ps everything was so exspensive! That it broke me and halloween is breaking me too!!
  10. I don't like that were friends with the mayor..its creepy!
  11. Omg!! I love it as soon as I saw ur thread I bought IT! ur pet does have the biggest smile on her face! Best item ever! It makes u smile seeing ur pet smile.
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