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Everything posted by BabyPeach

  1. I'll go through some of my pictures I have old ones saved.
  2. [/color] AMBI"S GIFT SHOP IS CLOSED FOR CONSTRUCTION...I need more items. Thank You for your time. While your waiting for your gift take my quiz! Have an amazing awesome spectacular day! image edited by kiviern04 - moderator If you went to the movies with your friend what movie snack would you choose? A. Popcorn its good for the brain. B. Candy! I love candy so sugary and sweet, but as long as I am with my best friend I'll be happy! C. Hersheys yum yum yum! AND GuMMY WORMS!! We could have a candy fight! D: Hersheys and gum drops! Anything I can make a candy sculpture out of during the previews. E: Who cares about snacks! Theres cute boys to flirt with! If you chose A, your brainy cupcake. If you chose B, your cute cupcake. If you chose C, your fun cupcake. If you chose D, your creative cupcake. If you chose E, your flirty cupcake. AMBI"S GIFT SHOP IS CLOSED FOR CONSTRUCTION...I need more items. Thank You for your time.
  3. Its okay...lets start fresh! Does anybody have any to share?
  4. Hi i am giving away a free grim reaper doll... Just post a pic of your pet in a very fashionable creative outfit! Thanks!
  5. I think its stupid because its unfair. Alot of people are serious collectors...I know its just a game but thats how people are! i like to collect plushies! There is no reason for the limit to be 3...in mystery boxes its 99.
  6. I got it from a friend!! She likes to play jokes on me maybe she just made this one up!
  7. I dont know how to do pictures for ps....the camera doesnt let u
  8. Oh actually I just saved the message I got and typed it onto this because thats the way I am...I like people to really see it.
  9. I love begger messages! Please post some of yours! I love to laugh!
  10. 1. Toxic Barrel 2. Red Executive chair 3. Blue pyjama shirt 4. Big Gold bracelet http://static.playfish.com/game/pets/item_images/300x300/biggoldbracelet.png 5. Nerdy Glasses http://officialpetsociety.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/nerdy-glasses.png?w=160&h=160 6. Red hooded bear plushie 7. Sweet orange tree 8. Chic beret 9. Pink dotted wallpaper 10. Dancing daisy This game is so cool! I'm SO EXCITED! I JUST CAN HIDE IT!
  11. Example explanation: My pet has a personality shes kind of this cool cute punk girl and shes sort of a tomboy. She doesn't like to bossed around by anybody! She won't even listen to her own mother/owner! ME! lol also she hates Hideeni. Hideeni! Anyways just post a pic of your pet if you can and a short description if your pet has a personality and what it is. [i][b] Please post! I am so bored..lol
  12. I have a new idea!! Just let me post.
  13. congratsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! no surprise lucky did not passed good luck everybodyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha same here! No surprise Ambi didn't make it. lol she's too tom boy
  14. [quote="Gaiamaiden"] hi hun, which item was it again sorry been busy with so many trades xxx Hi again thats okay! It was the heart clutch..Thanks!
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