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Everything posted by BabyPeach

  1. It sounds like a great deal to me!~~ Thanks so much!
  2. They are 1x999 each. But if you take lot's of them I can give you a good deal. How many did you want? I've reduced the price on the Bunny's. They are now 2xJapanese Garden Mystery Egg for 1 bunny or 3xJapanese Garden Mystery Egg for 2 bunny's. How many japanese garden eggs for one of each color bunny?
  3. I was thinking maybe Grease lol or did they have that already? Or this other play I went to called Wicked!!
  4. sure you can hun......well i will randomly chose one member when all bunnys and chick and hedgehogs are take who will win doll house collection...... :tree2: Thank You!! Okay thats a good idea. I think I am already friends with you so u can just send them! Thanks alot!!
  5. Hi can I have one bunny doll and how do I win the doll house?
  6. I'll post some pics!!! I'll go on ps and take some. What my pet says does it have to do with friendship?
  7. Wow Playfish sure is being generous!! Thanks for the info!
  8. The Mystery Egg Bunnies? I still have them. How many do you want? I want 1 pink one and 1 purple one? How much for both?
  9. Thanks!! I like the blue flower vase too!
  10. C.J looks so cool!! Not many pets can rock scrubs like C.J!! Lol maybe they watch Grey's Anatomy.
  11. Haha well this weeks items arent my favorite, but I still like them!! I love the nurse outfit! So cute!! I am not a fan of hosptitals in real life though. I faint at the sight of blood lol.
  12. How much for all those bunnys? How much for each bunny?
  13. Anybody have any pictures of their pets in hospital clothes?
  14. I really like this week in pet society, especially the nurse outfit! So cute! Here are some photos of Ambi.. Post some photos of your pet wearing hospital wear! Ambi the nurse Ambi on the run Ambi with her reading glasses on
  15. I made a funny Christmas card. Lol!! Here it is... http://pets.game.playfish.com/g/fb/pets/view_card?pf_cardToken=aaqcaXnjigHPDcb0AguGAMfJAYbWB3qHbK9TzYeHirLtyxKGD2HHDd8GieKGzgLZBgLRzsb5B3uUeueGu2fZC3KGq2HYAxn0BwfZb0vSBhLZC2folBd6lgXkpG Come post your Christmas card! :smiles: :cane:
  16. I really love your outside gingerbread house idea!! Especially the part about the gingerbread forest!!!
  17. It took me a long time to pick! Haha well here is Ambi's guesses. Thank You for this nice contest. 1. Toy Shop Miniature Christmas Tree 2. Sweet Orange Tree 3. Restaurant Smoked Meat Selection 4. Jesters hat 5. Alpine Boy Hat 6. Dalmation plushie 7. Black framed gate 8. Tasteful tulip 9. Orange Juice Machine 10. Pink Candy Pillow
  18. Wow totoro looks amazing!! So cute and sophisticated! I really like her ice queen outfit choice. Good LUCK! :cane:
  19. Ahh thats too bad Steph! But, give yourself a hand for the effort!! Thanks so much for granting my wish! I can get the deer Le just find though. Lucky me!!! Sorry you can't get it guys.
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