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Everything posted by dreamer_adrian

  1. where to buy the plain sticker and we can print on it?
  2. There will be great if anybody can post the picture of tools using...
  3. Nice customization..... ... well done i can said, keep it up
  4. The 1st Edonis is not Mystery rite? is from other segment series...
  5. Nice, but is too contrast, maybe u can try to pick the lighter color on the background..
  6. Can Kidnapped Enyo while he arrive...
  7. One more thing, remember to use MARCO, and dont use Flash light, or the picture will be over exposure...
  8. this is how i took the photo... u will need to use a bigger mounting board (to cover background) if u want to shoot lots of cars in one time
  9. My equipment... A Tripod Mounting Board and a small studio i using Room lighting, as we know, the lighting is not enough to show the contrast of the car.... (is better to shoot on daylight) so i using photoshop to touch-up and enhance... here the tutorial hope can help u guys Step 1, as u can see, the original photo is just too dark ....use the curve tool (CTRL-M), pick the red circle icon, and select the background. Curve tools is easy to use on White/Plain background. Remember not over exposure on the car whn u using the CURVE tools, as the background can touch up afterward. Whala .. and clear the background line, make it clean by using Paint tools... There u go
  10. i using Canon cyber shot A80 4 Mega pixel... but for truth wat sinclair said, we need a right equipment... setting a box for photo shooting and some lighting can be more PRO, but more space u need... i had saw some member using table lamp as a lighting, but u have to filter the light for not over contrast... let me show my so called STUDIO .. only need a tripod and 2 mounting board...
  11. Hokuan, u are running is SUper LUCK
  12. As the 1st Edition Nissan Z is a Concept Z, the Top Secret Z is market selling Z
  13. Yah.... this is classic.. ....
  14. xXx (Triple X) State of the union... 1967 Pontian GTO... Iron Man... he smash my favorite Shelby Cobra 427/c
  15. let go or not is depends to those who we complaint to, if they agreed and ignore after that? we cant do anything..
  16. huhu.. no need la.. i afraid he angry at me, huhu.. BTW, he said to me, he had no choice to do that coz everyone is doing that.. Furthermore, in about 1 month ago, in JJ, i ask the promoter about the stock of HW, she said, "Got no stock la, why, if u want, i can keep a green card (she doesnt know about t-hunt), leave me ur phone number, i'll contact u when it'll be here". I'm surprised, coz i never talk to her before, and suddenly offering to kep T-h for me.. i ask "Why u want to keep green card for me?.. She said, everbody who looking at pegs there asking her to keep green cards for them, so she ask me too.. i said "its ok, i'll come again to check it myself".. i think it's not fair to make reservations of something that we all should have equal oppoturnity to own.. but sometimes i feel very rugi also, huhu.. but honor first!! He selling at Ebay and said he got no choice... huhu ... fishy thought... (No Offence ya)
  17. This is fishy.. PM me who the guy if u dunt mind...huhu.. i hope he is not the one lurking in this forum or the one who came to gathering also... huhu...
  18. Ok, now i talk about JB situation here, regarding INSIDERS, SCALPERS bla bla bla... Firstly, i had to agreed what u guys said, it is fun on Hunting those green on the rack, when those places is not infected by those Insiders or Scalpers... I start collecting on 1996, on those years, i dunt even know what is a Treasure Hunts till year 2000, i even open all my Treasure Hunt for display, or saw few of them on the rack and i only take 1 (Tsunami, Camaro or Chevy)..., story stars here, on year 2005, i met some JB collectors, they tell me the story about the VALUE of Treasure Hunt while in the gathering, from that time, i saw some collectors get so many Green Card easily, even when Hotwheels start a Regular and Super selling method... I was feeling fishy why i cant get any Super or Regular on the rack just after my friend told me a shocking news...(I was so believed that i still can get greenies easily before this) He told me that one of the Giant in JB had an insider, and the clever promoter told him the insider name, full name and phone number actually (Clap for the promoter), ok than, the guy is one of my friend, and he denied it when i talking this story.. HELLO!, full name and a phone number, how coincidence. And than me and my friend try INVESTIGATE few of the Hypermarket and 7e... more and more shocking thing we found in the investigation... Fast Food Manager(Am not going to reveiled it) !!!! ok, JB collectors sure heard about this person, and most of us know who he is... 7e promoter always will ask us when we dragging Hotwheels on rack, :"Kamu tau ada satu xxxxxx Manager Ke?" .. as we know, this place have to deleted from our list (Some onr know this very well and he was so pissed off to hit this person hardly by attacking his places, and he did it ) am not talking about how this manager involved in this situation, and i know KL have this situation also... He even got SUPER GMC MPTORHOME, YES IS GMC.... By now what i know, JB TRU will filter those Green to what he so-called friends, some 7e for the manager, and we got most un-effected places due to some of the collectors i quitting. and i am not sure like Hokuan said that Giant and Tesco will not have insider as the Mattel supplier will display those Hotwheels on the rack, but i know that some of them also filter those boxes also... We only can try attacking those sclapers by the right time and right place, hit it hard, but u should pay off hardly too (Time, Petrol, energy....), sharing news to others real collectors... And i still dunt believe Mettal or some store manager will take those complaint seriously...maybe they will think IS JUST A TOY CAR! KEEP HUNTING GUYS!!
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