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Everything posted by blueye

  1. so did you hit the paper airplane more or squirrel?
  2. blueye

    Single haul

    i think they have red line series in mainline i like the pontiac purple metalic *edit... sorry i mean magenta
  3. something was selling that time?
  4. blueye

    Single haul

    NOoooo cause not MUSTANG lolz
  5. that car bring shiver ... to my skin
  6. I got the white with blue strips
  7. blueye

    my haul...

    should photochop chop the hot action too...
  8. blueye

    New Hauls!

    that one i also don't hv
  9. i thought it is suppose to be "emmm, open the boxes for me you will, yes. Green like me, I seek, u show, I buy. " Next possible sentence by PY. "Faster!! Faster!!! disturbance in the force I sense ... .... in midvalley there is a restock they have." Muahahaha
  10. woooo~ bro... nice stuff... no mustang?
  11. @chk - thank @cooolman - i like mustang more... @wj - u got super FE that is even better @RGsukan - well, quite ok but now already year end @danielh - yup the FTE mustang look nice @Adrian - my force still STRONG!!! GRRRowl
  12. @cham2020 - lolz... since when i padawan? @kukubeh - i think everybody else have better haul than me @enyo - was lucky i guess coz can find that nice mustang fastback @jhc7598 - it landed on my hand!!! @py - i am looking for vintage wave lolz
  13. i do have very very very small collection of civic... which i use to trade in future... but u know me, i am mustang all the way... unless u have something that is pretty shinning.
  14. @alfagta - i am here... me no hunting ~now @speeddemonz - the force cannot be share u must try to feel the force and see whether ur mind is force sensitive or not. but feel not, if you keep on trying u do not need the force...
  15. @alfagta - i believe he is not a forumer here @py - haha yoda-san ur force is not correct
  16. @py - yoda also strong @alfagta - ya~ he the only one who sms me about the promotion
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