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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Yup, i can offer to trade both but the 2010 one is C26, but i may not be able to meet in KL. Pm me if ur interested.
  2. Wow ur still looking for it? I thought already plenty of playaz here could help you out. I do have some extras for both batmobiles wouldn't mind doing a trade but question is does it have to be specifically C24 and nothing else? Is it a variant or something?
  3. Hah, hang nak tarbiyyah beta? Silap-silap hang yang meracau "t-hunt, t-hunt.. dimanakah dikau" nanti.
  4. Err.. hadiah krismas me just received.
  5. Tadaa.. UcB's christmas gift. Ini baru 1Malaysia yang sejati hehe..
  6. My comment? Minumlah susu bebanyak supaya anda menjadi sihat dan kuat.
  7. Bro scale ni agak confusing. Kalau scale dia based on places you went and haul something, what if let's say playa tu specifically target super je zero intetion of hauling any other car. And then kalau scale dia based on places you went tapi tak semestinya you haul something asalkan tempat tu ada hotwheels, kalau hari-hari i singgah 7 Eleven beli aiskrim (dan tengok hotwheels peg sekilas pandang) macam mana tu.
  8. Lime green.. Olive (military) green baru betul!
  9. Guna duit note rm50 buat lap hidung? Ni dah kira 1 level up dari taraf playa.. dah cecah status Playa Khalifah Agung.
  10. Whoaa ini memang real bling-bling.. By the way welcome back Uncle Chia!
  11. If it's the toy shop kind then nothing you can do, but if it's department store or hypermarkets (Jusco Carrefour etc) all you need to do is call the manager, you have right to purchase it at retail.
  12. Sup playaz, Looking for these Supers (mint, international long card) - '09 Super TH '37 Ford picture from hw wiki List of other Super i could trade with.. (all int'l card unless noted) '07 Super TH Jaded (short card) '09 Super TH Bad Bagger '09 Super TH '49 Merc '10 Super TH Classic Packard '10 Super TH Chevroletor '10 Super TH Custom '53 Cadillac
  13. PS3 = Original Games 360 = *ehem..* PS3 = Blu-Ray Disc (that goes up to 50gb) 360 = DVD9 Disc (9gb at best just like normal dvd) PS3 = Playstation Move 360 = Kinect In conclusion, the price difference between both console won't matter at all, it's how many games do you intend to buy and keep. PS3 makes more sense if you keep like a few that you really like and actively do trades with games you already finished, while 360 you can haul hundreds of game if you want to. Graphic wise PS3 is obviously superior to 360 but it's not just that. Even if 360 has exact gpu with PS3, the amount of details 360 graphic could render can nowhere match PS3 when normal DVD9 is all they could fit in. I would highly suggest to get PS3 because the thing about new generation console, the real fun is not about how many games you can play anymore, but the experience of online gaming. Assuming you got the 'modified' 360, going online will be suicide. PS3 online is more flexible (and free) unlike 360 with their XBox Live Gold and Silver thing. And if you ask me, being able to play BD movies is really big deal cause standalone BD players in the market still very pricey.
  14. We begin with the latest package received from Thorr, who Kanye West once said "Imma let you finish, but Thorr is one of the best customizer of all time". Then the raok from Sinclair, who has since repented from being a scalper.. The 7E promo.. From trade.. We move on to UcB's 'score' live in front of gath playaz a weeks ago.. Another 2 Super Mustangs.. Spoiler: (forgotten to take pic, so this is the artist impression of how 2 Super Mustangs would look like) And lastly.. my latest find, making it the 4th Super Caddy in my hideout.. Sekian, wabillahi taufiq walhidayah, wassalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
  15. Nice stuff there! I had short card reg Hot Bird too. Some of my short cards were found in Belgium.
  16. That sucks, the jusco i went had the Mustang case (and also Baja if i'm right) as free gift.
  17. Silap besar lah you reveal sini, ramai jejaka gersang hwcm berkeliaran kat sini.. esok lusa tengok lah berapa playaz ngaku diri mereka 'hunters' mundar-mandir kat tempat tu.
  18. Ur a certified playa. This case is so dead don't know how many playaz have gone through the same case and found nothing.
  19. - UPDATE - Alot people asked, why some of important playaz aren't featured in the original HWCM lineup in the first post. To tell you the truth, yes there are certain someone who doesn't click with us. These people don't wear like us, they don't rock like us, they're just not like us. To the point some begin to question whether they've becomed a HWCM playa hater. This gets UcB worried, and he decided to dig deeper into every members background to understand the root of the problem, and after weeks of undercover researching i begin to see the light.. turns put HWCM has indeed, already separated into different gangs of their own. So before i introduce more names of underground gangs operating within HWCM circle today UcB gonna first reveal one of the most notorious trio in HWCM.. Spoiler: GANG 1 - THE NOTORIOUS MSG From L-R : Thunderhawk, Cham2020, Takata They may appear to be openly fighting with each other, but don't be fooled by these Petaling Street bad boys. Takata's face when coming to gathering All 3 without makeup Some music by them to entertain you guys.. Spoiler:
  20. Waterslide decals?? Rikmun, you're now officially a playa.
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