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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Truth is we do kind of thing, people will say this club is 'syok sendiri', i think i myself will agree with them lol. Basically we just wanna have good time at the dinner. No propaganda to instill club patriotisme of any sort.
  2. You know what, the venue itself is equipped with karaoke. But don't think none of us will nyanyi-nyanyi lol..
  3. Designer's Challenge is awesome. Someone help me with 1st color pls! *stares at demonicle*
  4. I don't recall findin' a hamster and givin' em ice cream while awake. Anyway, got this at somewhere not proper between groceries and some goodies section. Won't repeat the SACC mistake twice. So you guys fell free to drop by nearby Giant time by time, some might place an order (the other store i went said they're expecting it next week) but you might not realize they restock cause most probably the same great Packard wave. This same Giant restocked this Packard i think 3rd time, i actually get to raid 2 Packard cases weeks ago but all were dead. No case raidin' this time, they're just there.
  5. Hamster n' Ice-Cream Really true story, not makin' this up. So i woke up early this morning, and for some reason fell asleep again.. and i had this strangest dream ever. There's this hamster in my house and he's not doing good, he's dying i think. Caught him, hold him tight and i fed the hamster ice cream, yeah ice cream. I just place the hamster inside the same cup with ice cream in it. And before i would know what's next this playa artt anime went and wake my sleep with his "dah sampai Amcorp ke" sms. I went and informed artt my dream shortly after that. Anyway the Amcorp trip was total mess. Pissed as hell cause i lost the parking ticket no other way but to pay fine, so money gone for nothing (and i had to hutang someone for that). So later at night i said "screw it let's go have some ice-cream", so went to the mall to eat Baskin Robin to chill myself off. Drop by Giant, and there you go.. Super Packard hanging! Called artt to tell him "the dream was a sign!". And his reply.. "Laa aku pun baru sampai sini". I can't tell how does hamster and Classic Packard makes sense, but undercover's pretty sure this dream still some divine intervention.
  6. ucb lagi cepat.. tapi takpa tak rembat kete-kete yang 'panas' hehe
  7. I kena bad asthma (that chain reaction when u start kena sore throat, flu, cough and all, not the recurring asthma) just recently so can't celebrate new year eve with you guys but can drop by for little while, do let me know.
  8. If like that the first people we ban would be netmatrix lol. No, seriously just some funny "i ter'click the button" moment by who's not even a mod (**okay, a new mod**), like pydrummer explained. Solidsnake has to be the one right on time lol. And none of us except the great almighty demonicle have unban button to reverse. I know, we too did stupid things before. So sorry my homeboi solidsnake! And btw yeah, we did banned 'members' before. If you wish to create a drama here, for starter family friendly username and bagi salam before you shoot someone, that will do.
  9. Hmm.. rm25 Anyway this morris mini is also found in some Mustang TH cases, particularly the reg Mustang without 'TH' on card. I think this shouldn't be that scarce, although it's shortpacked the wave itself hit quite number of 7E's out there.
  10. Oh ya itu Nissan GTR pun ada terserempak ari tu, nanti i gi balik belikan kalau nak.
  11. Boss itu Golf GTI, Viper dengan DK TH, kalau u rajin try check out stores diorang rekemen, kalau tak tak dapat gak datang je memana gathering subang ke amcorp i hulur ya tiga2 kreta.
  12. List of stores We've seen it all.. if you find it necessary to list every stores that 'got insider' here, we can definitely bet 7E is your last place to hunt. Wait, even 7E i heard 'some people' are ruining it, perhaps you should consider again this t-hunt collecting thingy. Unless you're willing to draw the line then the list can be cut down greatly, and we can focus on real stores out there deemed to be black zone for collectors. Pretender These people who use insiders to hoard and then claim they did it through hardworks are definitely the pretenders. Agreed. But real pretenders to me are those campaigning for "brighter future of hotwheels".. when they themselves are no different. Only that they found themselves one territory short. You lost at your own game. RAOK I never RAOK any hunts openly to other playaz before so i'm definitely safe from kukubeh's hitlist hehe. But RAOK, my son, is a sacred term in Hotwheels. It's the most beautiful thing even if you get RAOK'ed from scalpers or hoarders. So saying RAOK are people's way to gain praises or expecting something in return is just, not cool. Even if certain people may had such intention, prob is who are we to judge. You can say he sucks ass, but not because he RAOKs. Yoda Who's hands structure/anatomy leads to endless speculations.
  13. I used to have 'insider' in Jusco Sunway Pyramid. Err.. okay. Let's take a walk down memory lane.. Whenever college break, i spent most of my time in Sunway Pyramid. So on almost daily basis i'll be chilling out somewhere in Pyramid. That means Jusco too. And it seems most of the time it restocks i never get to see any greens. Well, i get the idea, it's not that it's the first time i'm exposed to these insider stories. And one day this one innocent Jusco dude who been noticing me approached me and shared to me, that although it's not him responsible for it, he understands the hw goodies always happen to get snatched fast. Now I have the option, whether to i) 'basuh' him for the bad that his colleague has done, or ii) using him to overtake that 'regular' customer. In other words just replacing one dirty playa with another playa. I did neither. Don't need to be me, pretty sure many other collectors yang 'pasrah' will help get the job done (complain to management, etc). I just chilled. Nevertheless this dude willing to take my number and offered to help me anything he could. And i have the option again, whether to stick to that ideals of hunting or just give. Since it makes no difference (you guys are still screwed anyway) i did the latter. Wow, i have insider now. One territory secured! Is it? The truth is, i never really benefit anything from this. I get updates from him on many occasions but not a single one i get to grab any greenies by the time i arrive. Perhaps undercover is one stupid dude for not teaching him to look for 'hijau kat tepi'. No, actually it's not his obligation at first place to make sure undercover get the first peek, and most of the time he only inform when he perasan there's something new (please take note - one insider doesn't work monday to sunday). But i did scored one while he's around, 2 reg Buick, and that also not from his pointer, but another fellow playa who just scored reg Buick there too (you see, he didn't take all, who said all collectors are bad). But hey, he scored? What happened to that 'regular customer'? The plot thickens now.. Then i get to know demonicle, he confirms whatever suspicion about this Jusco as he himself has encountered this insider who's behind all this. And the deeper truth you dig, you realize he's not a villain as he's portrayed to be. I mean, say you're one normal dude working in toy dept and someone ask for something, of course in his mind he as store worker got to assist the customer. So yes, the blame should go to that collector who 'corrupted' him at first place. But then what about other playa who scored there too, oh wait, not just him, i found out another playa scored super Evil Twin there before. And it doesn't end there, even my homie elgee (who we can describe that time the hw virgin) too scored hunts there. What kind of insider is this? I get headaches trying to figure it out, just can't put puzzle in place. Until i realized something, it's we ourselves who find things complicated.. things aren't always as negative as what we thought it be. Even in worst places, right time, right place, you can't go wrong. Don't give flying F that store has insider, informer and whatnot. But of course there are serious cases you have to resort to something like making complaints, and all. But please, make sure you know what you're doing. Don't do something like telling it's a 'club' fault when you can't even tell the dead cases. On the surface it's pretty easy to politicize things.. when i say politicize i mean picking others name that don't click with ya. Catch elgee holding the hunts.. it must be him all along. Undercover admits he got Jusco contact, he must be shaking his legs waiting for calls. Demonicle knows that insider, so Demonicle is THE ONE lah. You guys will never know how many time we facepalmed over these.. And btw that Jusco dude is one of nicest 'insider' i get to know. You don't need to get any hunts in return to make a friend. He eventually moved to other state, but still gave me farewell sms telling me he may not be able to help anymore. Like demonicle said, staff are human too. Engage them, you can choose to do what you think is right by not giving number (in fact if i have the choice would prefer this too), asking to reserve and all, but looking down at everyone else as bad person in your book may not be the best thing. Except those playa-hater insiders of course.
  14. I have to take some time compiling the list of great boardies, but will do. Good thread, and i think this will be moved to more appropriate section.
  15. I'm with pydrummerboy. All in all, to this thread. We got playaz who are against it, or totally cool with it, or few of us who would try to seek middle path on this. That shows the maturity of this small community who can bring their own point of view without having to write in capital letter.
  16. You guys ah.. (where's that "i love this place" emoticon)
  17. That "not too friendly to storage and shipment" plays very very big role.
  18. For me, very simple. I'll go for NO. But that if everyone else can assure us they'll have the same spirit.
  19. There you go guys, do you see how complicated hotwheels politics can get to? And why i had to keep writing essays for you guys, cause there's things that just can't be sum up in shorter words.. and it's so easy to pin everything on the club. Yeah, the club.
  20. Damn! I updated in Giant thread bout reg Qombee there and you scored Super Qombee instead!
  21. I still kept the reg Camaro for you, if you have either 37' Ford, 34' Ford or Custom Chevy then we'll go trade, otherwise just cod as agreed.
  22. It's good that we have this kind of discussion, nvm that people have their own take on this. As for me, i hope everyone gets the point that whatever i wrote is based on what i've seen and gone through, not that i'm the one who had dirty hand on this. The truth is i don't go places and leave my numbers everywhere i drop by, but just like demonicle said, in some case people just kasihan you enough they would try to help, by contacting you when stuff arrive let's say. If you're in this situation you could choose to stick to your ideals and brag on forum that i don't need these help, but reality is it doesn't take you but many other playaz would jump in the opportunity. Then everyone else will cry foul. But like i said many many times those who assume these people get upper hand on this got it wrong big time. But that also depend on how these people are taught, you may have bad case where these insiders only favor one and only customer and nobody else, and you also have insiders who would update you only when he 'perasan' there's new stuff. In my case i can name many of 'insiders' i'm in touch with but truth is i'm yet to haul any single green there. So here in HWCM the least we could do is advice each other is one's responsibility, even if you're an aggresive hoarders then at least help the others out. It's just not possible to make everyone adhere to certain code of ethics. The same goes for demonicle's argument, if you know him he's not really into hunts anyway. But he understands what's going on so he's merely giving his point like i do. So hope playaz here could understand very clearly this whole discussion is not about certain people defending themselves. I mean i myself would be happiest dude if they could bring back the good 'ol days. As for solidsnake's case, i guess there's no other way than to make a complaint or something. Of course we understand your frustrations, the issue of allowing people to call and your case is different thing. In your case you got screwed over and over by supposedly same person. Do give us updates, hopefully you could score something then i can work a trade with you again in the future. Some things it's just not possible to make everyone happy. The 7E promo for example. If you tried to be as early as possible cause you know the race is always close, you get insulted as being desperado. If you grabbed more than one TH or DD, you the hoarder. If you grabbed more than one TH or DD simply to help others who couldn't find, you the hoarder. If you even left the TH or DD and inform others, "lansi everyone you left those at your mercy, as in 7E belongs to him". If you pretend to buat bodoh but they catched you trailing the delivery truck, you the hypocrite. If you just confess and share it on forum, treating it as one of your cool hunting stories, you made yourself the most hated person. If you even came across the delivery truck and don't even bother to trail them, doesn't matter you still do the hunting while they doing delivery so you cheated. If you gone one man show that night, he's a selfish dude. If you call out as many fellow homies to hunt together that night, 'these people' are selfish. If you update the whole HWCM about the promo, HWCM are selfish! If we decided to gather everybody's super 7E hauls, create a tally and put a huge billboard saying "WHO THE HELL SAY NOBODY CAN SCORE", then HWCM is one blardy arrogant club. And if we finally gave in say "alright then, this promo i shall gracefully retreat from trying any 7E if that's what makes everyone happy", we'll see the next few days whether the plenty of Super Fire Eaters and Bone Shakers are still safe on 7E rack.. or on ebay. Yes the real predators are just waiting for that moment.
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