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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. i also wanted to donate, no matter what is his intentions are... always see the good in people..
  2. maybe he is, maybe he isnt... dunno.. have to check with him back..
  3. maybe you can check this out http://pjtoycar.blogspot.com/search/label/Creativity%20and%20Inovative%20Corner
  4. patut la tanya mustang dah tak de, dia dah sembelih all..
  5. very hard to find already... option d..
  6. wanna play also.. but cannot confirm wether im working or not....
  7. huhu.. kesian mustang tu.. give me the body.. ill give it a proper funeral...
  8. ho yea!.. been looking for an impreza for quite sometime!
  9. of course le nak collect cik abang oi.. huhu..
  10. of course le nak collect cik abang oi.. huhu..
  11. no point la aku balik kajang minggu nih.. dah habis ko tapau ker?
  12. bro.. where you got them subarus?still got extra tak?
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