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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. Well not really variants CKH. Its more like movie scenes. Whatever situation the movie has, the model reflects that. At least when it was RM24.90 can say n problem and buy them. But now its like RM31.90 make one think hard a little.
  2. McD charges 5% gov service tax. They already calculated you won't pay for any food without [ * ] after the price. And you mean't to say a RM6.50 to RM6.90 is a 40 cent 5% gov tax? Or 5% bouncer fee like USB said? Or 5% "boss mau beli Felali 458 price? Impossible just to increase price just to say increase price. So simple? No strings attached? But to everyone, dun la go and bomb churches just because HW price increase. hahaha. Ken and Barbie also affacted by price increase. Or not how are they gonna pay royalties to get licensing for movie character deals? hahaha. I know its nonsense. But c'mon..... at least a better reason than "Just like that".
  3. Hahahaha. Darn!! This must be those post haloween things.
  4. All Maisto Custom range have plastic bottom. But the best best best feature besides the opening hood and boot is they are mounted with screws and not rivets!! So you can swap wheels with any range that can support the axle size. Whee!!
  5. Nice collection matbear. Wanna post my collection or not ah? I just collected last month, they are all blinkers. hahaha.
  6. See no one knows why it is increased right? Certification brother. USFDA cert is not valid in Malaysia. hahahaha. Only SIRIM can. Its a tikam tikam method for me. If right good. If wrong, castrate me. hahahaha. But if you want a breakdown, - Certification payments (yearly) - Oil (manufacturing?) - Metal (through supplier for manufacturing?) - Future assumption (Before 2010 all cars on NOV & DEC are sold very low [see certification], get it back now 2010) - Staff demands (Pay increase through increased price) - Currency Pity those who collect CARS. Just last month can buy for RM16.90 and RM19.90. And should revert to RM24.90 after promo right? Ooooooooo..... here comes a whammer! RM31.90. When the new color shifters came it is a shocking RM39.90. Its closer to action figure price already. Should have known the price was going to be this high when 24.90 to 31.90 to 39.90. Same range like HW increase. Whatever the case, i'm sure selective buying and hogging will be even worse now. Everybody buys ECTO 1 and nothing else. hahaha.
  7. The 10 packs are pretty good. But the price in SG is 34.90? Cannot see la.
  8. Color shifters berlambak la at TRU, PARKSON and JUSCO. But RM39.90!!! on plastic body?
  9. How to collect la? RM31.90 for a basic car. Damn expensive. Even HW cars are RM6.90 now.
  10. Haven't seen such rack before. Is it 7E type?
  11. Today went out to departmental stores in Pyramid. Guess how much a basic car cost now? RM6.90!!! Then veered off to CARS section RM31.90!! They definitely paid money to get the toys pass local toy safety checks. As i searched around the last month economic news there is only oil price increase, but not other raw materials. Even then the increase is so little. And the prices does not reflect what it was RM4.90 few years ago when oil isn't that high. So last time someones posted a C4 price tag of RM7.90 for basic car. I sure trust that is RRP for this year. even if they tagged it wrongly. I can only say that RM4.50 from 7 E promo is to quickly shift goods fast prior to getting the toys verified. After verified RM6.90. Dunno la wanna continue or not. I think getting bulk from Ebay more cheap la like that. So sugar rise 20 cent, toys rise 40 cent. Going to rise this year is TOLL and PETROL. No need to say i smart azz to speculate, the news already hinted.
  12. Cham2020 which TRU you went? I went to MV, KLCC and ehem!!
  13. Why not just say AOK? But RAOK?
  14. The whole set looks great. But that figurine included looks creepy. Anyway it will be soon that these cheapo China Made toys will be off the shelves once the enforcement guys come raiding for toy safety regulation.
  15. Now this is definitely a funny find !!!!
  16. Don't forget the base is screwed on only. So you can custom as you like. hehehe.
  17. This one the engine bay can open. The soft top cannot as it is simulated vinyl cover. This one is hard to come by also.
  18. I think i saw a lot of these in TRU last time. But now i think Graffiti in BTS has a lot of them.
  19. netmatrix

    ** Jokes **

    Do you know why a lot of black people died every time america sends their black citizens to war?
  20. netmatrix

    ** Jokes **

    Green house is a phenomenon. Its made by man. Else you are talking about LEGO bricks? Then its plastic.
  21. Is it? I never took out my one. Now wanna dig up just to see. hahaha.
  22. The blue car reminds me of DJ from CARS hahaha. The Torino taladega damn cun leh. The Willys also not bad.
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