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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. like this also can たんじょうび おめでとう nampak pendek skit,
  2. wow, great collection!! mr protoman sure hardcore one la~~
  3. WAH! zint, looks like we found another fren who knows of KR zint oso KR otaku ka? me for sure la, henshin all da way!!
  4. wah nice..individual pictures please,
  5. ^ Ko la bawak keter x reti, nak langgar aku,
  6. the store K Tganu sure xde ape masuk,
  7. dkt dgn C4 tebrau tu? HWs ada restock?
  8. wah nice!! got Asphalt assault too!! tq for the pics bro cawan~
  9. wah, all great items.. love them all.. especially holiday panel.. sweeeettttt!!!!
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