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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. rikky? who is rikky? btw thanks bro.. nnt aku dtg aku inform.. ko kene blanja aku mee bandung..
  2. cis nanti TAX 7XXXX kena bakar kang btw agree with AtomKinder and wildspirit.. here in malaysia, we all very been influenced by the EPL.. everywhere here, only EPL team are the best.. this should be stopped.. i watched the match at Mamak's stall and when the german scores, only few of us cheering ( incl me) but when england score, it's like been a hurricane, .. this proved the england are more famous than german.. btw really satisfied by that match, and for the note, average age for german team are 3 years younger than england team.. this german should be feared..
  3. the seller overcharged the shipping cost? erm, thats why i always ask for the shipment first before buying @ bidding any items.. and some seller only ship via USPS priority mail which is much higher than the first class mail.. some seller only ship via priority when the quantity of the items are many, which are much higher... maybe u can ask him first about the cost of the shipment before u leave any negative feedback.. just my 2 cents..
  4. haha.. looks like i had to stay at JB for a little longer.. will be here at JB till this saturday..
  5. ala, if got 2nd goal also still 4-2,
  6. i do think like sinclair says.. maybe the seller got an emergency, or something urgent came off.. this happen to me last time, the seller went missing more than a week, turn that he had been hospitalized.. he then apologies to me, and nothing went wrong.. maybe u might try to wait a bit longer..
  7. nice!! great job bro!! seen in picture surely different from holding the real thing.. believe me..
  8. what happen? siot.. lagi mau tanya....
  9. how to have la bang, if its only for Honda dealers... u must have it la.. u open sales thread honda civic what? i want some, please..
  10. great stuff!!! i never had an airbrush.. really busy, didnt have a time and space for customizing!! hope to see ur custom soon!!
  11. haul 1 kereta time "gath", tp kene poison kaw2 by someone's collections!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!
  12. jhc7598

    ROAK from down under

    wow, new 67 camaro.. nice!!
  13. wah...!! great master has come back!!!
  14. yup, biggest upset so far.. really boring game for me until last 10 minutes.. btw farewell italy~~
  15. ape ar? Lupe... @RGSukan : owh, ok ok .. xpe..
  16. seriously, how many participant?
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