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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. 50th aniversary skylines still got?
  2. TQ Bro JHC, love ur wangan Z too! .. not mine la.. that's cham,
  3. nice SEMA civic.. apalagi, bukak la,...
  4. wow!! now where to find those paints,
  5. wow, great hauls master!!
  6. I also saw this and it comes in blue and red only. There is also a 510 truck also and 350Z. Seems like only MJ sells them. i'd seen some at Jusco Melaka last week, but didnt buy them.. now regret..
  7. GREAT HAULLSSS!!! very damn nice bro!!! congrats!!
  8. wow, new SM.. argh, sure pokai la this month,
  9. Yups... Hassan wild BS hauling... crazy MFA.. congrats dude... ckp org, sendirik haul mana??
  10. xde la banyak sgt, hehe... btw actually i'd got USD$100 from PayPal last time promotion or lucky draw (early April i think ), guess it's my luck back then.. but all habis already, haha~~
  11. sinclair's skyline got at the other thread la.. here
  12. wow, great hauls!! now sinclair can become speed trap officer!!
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