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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    March Haul

    great!! Fastback fastback!!
  2. kat mana rumah dia bro?
  3. wah, nice!!! still manage to get the old hunts and 350Z!! great hauls indeed!!
  4. wah.. rayz so nice!!
  5. actually i'd got all of them in one lot (yup, all of them) from ebay.. its kinda lucky coz i got them in very nice price!! btw when u be an evil-bay hunter, u had to hunt everyday, coz nice thing never last long on the Darkside!! Gud luck!!
  6. yup, at last!! thanks bro py.. this journey teaches me that not only luck will play the part in finding the $uper, but as u said to me before, hard works also will do the same.. thanks bro.. but furai isn't there, . hope to find it soon.. btw how do you do down under there? got any poisons to show us? thanks man.. LOL.. actually 200KM towards WEST since i'd travel from my hometown at Terengganu.. but its near to Selangor ady, i'll try to cover only in "my" territory but no promise, btw thanks man!! thanks bro!! glad that u like them.. thanks a lot bro!! yup, thanks.. huhu.. itu haul lama, but everybody loves sema,
  7. nak pos ke terengganu ke bang? btw nice arrangement bro!! nk tiru ah!!
  8. but why he sad? he say he retired ady,
  9. if i got time, i can help to tend the booth at JB and Pahang (at kuantan i assumed)..
  10. actually its to reach 1000KM mileage, typing error.. huhu.. FYI, kuantan is 200KM away frm my home, which i'd travel 400++KM yesterday.. pure madness over small cars, !! btw thanks a lot bro!! huhu.. mushroom ganaz lagi!!
  11. just wait from mattel to give us.. later sure they'll give us, we are HWCM club members, sure they want to poison us kaw², for our loyalty..
  12. Invisible stock car? same with what i thought, actually its 2010 paradigm shift,
  13. ya la, broke first then my pocket be restore, and broke again, then restore, then broke.. my pocket were never full for a quite long time btw i'm going for 200km just to reach 1000Km mileage, yup.. got it from last 7e i plan to go.. before found that, i think my journey wasnt worth but then, walla, found this little fella hiding behind SM.. btw thanks bro!! thanks.. thanks.. but no furai yet, thanks.. pure HW collector according to u, but pure madness according to my family..
  14. whoa!!! that rare black nsx with white 10sp!! and all demn nice things!!
  15. jhc7598

    what did u eat?

    @ckh : actually this is from last week, that time not pokai yet, @rgsukan : x marvelous sgt la ni, biasa jer.. aku mkn ikan bakar paling syok kat sg petani, kedah. 2nd syok time aku kt melaka.. umbai ke ape nama tempat dia..
  16. here my 7E hauls report, up to date.. nothing special actually, huhu.. mainline SM.. as u all can see, my Sm hauls is way more than mainline.. arghhh The Hunts, and Hunt$ got it 200KM away from home, Spoiler: and not-7E hauls.. now i'm broke ady, huhu.. thanks for watching..
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