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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. tayar pancit, pkai tayar spare..
  2. c6r kt kuantan ada, go get it btw if i got to go there again, i'll get it for u..
  3. excited sangat sampai spelling error.... i miss ur drooling la bro... drool la.... drool la.. lol!! actually i miss ur offer la bro ckh.. 10 bluebirds!! jk jk
  4. daym nice hauls!! silent2 ar bro!!
  5. hepi birthday bro!! wah, patut la ada dinner malam ni, @RGSukan : udah berlangsung la, dia dah nk dapat anak dah! .. jk jk
  6. nice hauls dude!! still searching some cars that from ur hauls!!
  7. wa, nice mom u got there..
  8. mane ade!! Saya haul 1/64!!! U haul 1/1 SE!! So..siapa kaya??? u already haul that 1:1 long time already, so u more kaya la, btw these got from ebay? that 69 camaro really got my eyes!!
  9. actually mmg already broke la this time, btw thanks bro! thanks bro.. yup, really lucky to get the $uper!! tq bro.. biasa saja.. thanks bro, thanks.. just a small compared to others' hauls..
  10. nice .... nice ada makna tuuuu......... . xkn x paham² kot,
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