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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. hai ya!!!!!!! say early ma.... saw i pc blue Ford GT LM in 7E yesterday in Klang area. Do you still want it? Sinclair prefer the loose one!!
  2. FUH!! Nice muscle cars in the transporter!! Nice wheels too!! again..spam mine.. Spoiler: i dont have!!
  3. Nice one..RG!! as usual......mine...ekekekek!
  4. want some ! rolls over some to me..hassan!! I need it!!
  5. woo!!! another rocket oil from Sahama!! nice!!
  6. now all BS go for pink!! Lets see more of it!!
  7. err..actually...ady appear in my loose collections!!
  8. grrrrh!! poison....nasib baik gua pun ade...
  9. @rg: grab it b4 it gone forever..bro!! act fast!!
  10. wah!! 10 packs batman series?? Sure u own it...mushrOOm..right??
  11. 140 US dollars??? . again...think wildspirit gonna get a new title of achivement from 'hassan' !!
  12. fuh! Speechless!! Wat a great custom BS!! awesome!!
  13. woohoo!!!! GMC motorhome & highway hauler!!!
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