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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. Some scenes from Darling Harbour today. Big screen is there for the final match and lots of activities going on. Got performances and floating small football field to keep spectators entertained before the match. At 4pm, already got some people sitting down in the best seats! so....u join too,,tonight??
  2. Those Willys really nice! Big & heavy too.... Here's mine...
  3. Nice pickup with nice hw tampo...Advedder!! Love it!
  4. Ready for tonight! 1/2 dozen of Redbull in hand now!!
  5. two of the most beautiful Bettle! My likey it too!!
  6. non stop hauling..congrats!
  7. alamak!! Yes!! That's the truth Siclair style!! Slaughter..slaughter!!
  8. This wat i call "devastator" haul!! Congrats on getting those cars..dude!! My brain..again...overloaded!!
  9. nice haul Sinclair!! Especially the Viper 4th of July!! And the greatest error ever found....No wheels!
  10. one for today....cuci mata..
  11. yaloh?? Where's Prtoman?? Seem senyap these days?? Busy hauling ??
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