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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. totally amazing!! Our HWCM should have u in design our club Shirt!! Bravo! Maybe i can order mine 1st from u!! Size : XXL!!!
  2. cukai hasil sudah mari... tapi hotwheels tetap mau di cari!!
  3. Not yet. Dude, shoe box is huge! huh????
  4. Great!! Love those 3D pics!! Do share with us how u do that!! Thanks!
  5. dude in some parts of the world for just suggestin somethin like that u'd be hang upside down and ur head whack with a bat till all ur brain matter gush out and then they'd cut your belly so all ur innards would come out and finally ur testicles is slice in half . ..so violent!!
  6. woohoo!! Nice2! I been waiting for this custom for so long ady!! Come to papa!! Nice "twin muffler"and the "skirting"!!
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