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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. Nice effect!! wow! did come with cert!!
  2. This is one of my favourite casting in the SM!! Nice RED!!...but wait..till u saw the "BLACK" one!! Drooling!!!
  3. noooo...while both parties busy fighting..other fella grab the thunt and go straight to payment counter..hahaha
  4. aiyak!!! Sorry for that!! Too excited after getting this snake!!
  5. If i am the one ..and at that time is RG... which we saw the t-hunt at the same time at the same place..sure i bertumbok and hack him kaw kaw!! ! Yeah...."The Power Of $uper t-hunt"!!
  6. how bout this "Ular"???..........
  7. jus received mine..this morning!!
  8. so many "Great Pretenders" here!!!
  9. as u wish! Swap the wheels bro!! Hassan cuti for 2 days! Got free time! Maybe he can help u do the swapping!!
  10. wait until the black one out.. ......[whistling].... !
  11. all time favourite "plymouth"!!
  12. This one consider as the same category??...........
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