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Everything posted by danielh

  1. Yah! Sure Danielh will!! And btw..Danielh did told me that his son..Joon..now start to learn his custom skill with the very 1st begining step....and that 1st step was :Trash the car"!!
  2. thanks for sharing! like that Peugeot Endurance Hybrid Racer, nice!!
  3. nice working sliding side door, just like tomica's van or mpvs.
  4. speechless....so many ! that 30th Anniversary Skyline 200GTR (KPGC10) are really nice matching blue and white colour.
  5. nice haul and nice to meet you at the flea market.
  6. whoa.........so many mustang thunt and yellow DD!
  7. danielh

    RAOK from praba71

    very nice RAOK from prabha71!!
  8. whoa bro, so many good stuff you haul..... drooling la.... !!!!
  9. nice haul and welcome!!! nice mini and it's US card, congrats!!
  10. nice haul bro!! whoa...lucky to get that DD!!!
  11. amazing !! very high tech assembly plant and nice working environment.
  12. Nice!!! a lot of camaro!!
  13. nice haul!!!! like those silver GTR!!
  14. thanks kukubeh, yeah... doesn't come cheap. Cost me 22 retail price hw basic cars !! WOOOO...thats really expensive bro.. haha!! this month really pokai!
  15. thanks bro!!! it's nice to know that you're collecting it too!!
  16. thanks kukubeh, yeah... doesn't come cheap. Cost me 22 retail price hw basic cars !!
  17. thnaks bro! it's nice to know there's F1 collectors here.
  18. whoa...diam diam haul!! so many minis....!!
  19. nice !!! really drooling on those volkswagen!!
  20. haha!! busy la.... maybe later.
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