aiyoh kawan.. please dont get confuse here.. what we say or comment is purely personal capacity... just sayin coz we collect bs... that is all... u not happy still can pm or call me ....
just remember all thy members out there... everything goes both ways... we r gonna give our 300% on this and u people make sure u do too... be proactive yes... we look forward to more posts, more attendees to gatherings and more of everything...
kajang pak malau kajang berlipat, menggulung mengkuang diwaktu senja, itu points jgn mimpi zoom mau dapat, kerana semuanya ahmad albab yang punya, ahmad albab yang punyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
macam mana aku tak begini, diaorang punya pantun apa sudah jadi,, kalo hari2 mau sembur / tacing / gadoh / bikin hal disini ( pilih satu atau semua skali ) oi jangan collect hotwheel daa pigi collect barbie... puih...
... poke oso can.. poke poke here..poke poke there... poke every hole.. encik KOWN has a farm eeya..eeya..yoo... and in this farm he poke his goats... ugh..ugh..ugh...