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Everything posted by hassan

  1. the price..... .............
  2. i only know i want it...arrrrrghhhhhhhhhh....
  3. happy birfday dato..... live 'long'...proper and prosper.... many good hauls cum to you....
  4. congrats on yer hauls ... very good hunter u r... keep up the sharing...
  5. article bout ken blocks ford fiesta... read on... http://www.autoblog.com/2011/11/22/ken-block-gets-own-line-of-hot-wheels-in-time-for-holiday-season/
  6. awesome game.. fight to the very last end.. congrats harimau muda.... ....
  7. happy birthday din..live long proper and prosper and many many many good hauls for you i'm sure... and thanks for sharing em too... awesome birthday for an awesome guy.... ....
  8. hassan

    17-Pack Cars

    haiyo sapa mau bli ni... .....
  9. nicely done... keep it up...
  10. timon bakar ayam bakar hassan marah penuh berduka apa tunggu lagi jom la bakar jangan hati jadi terluka apa ke hal neyr pantun mu tak sedap nih.. rasa out... texture takder.. isi hangit... presentasi hampeh... nak teman bakor jugak ker...
  11. eleh....mementang Chitta tu sepelaung jer ngan umah ko, kannnnnn............ ..... bukan pasal tu daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... ye la nanti aku RAOK ko la... tak abih2 hangit ngan aku...
  12. .. apa ke hel nyer quote panjang2 nih.. kang temon bakor kang....
  13. when in doubt ( regarding sahama )..refer his avatar... says it all...
  14. hassan

    My Hippo Garage

    nice collections.......
  15. motor yamaha rxz from movie - rempit v3samseng jalanan....
  16. as of the last race (11/11) Hassan has been knocked off the top by Xellos, as Hassan didn't race last week. I'll update the list tmrw oh i see! Then.....Hassan NOT KERAS at all..now!! its a hard life being HIS ROYAL HOTRODNESS of awesomeness... everybody so envious of you and wanna see u fall from grace... haih....
  17. dont be like thatla..i know what you got in the box...
  18. hassan


    .................. looks like completed ady... .......... awesomeness ............ any extras...
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