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Everything posted by Yao

  1. It does. It's an interpretation of a Mercedes-Benz Actros.
  2. Yup. Can't show them 'cos I have not dispatch them yet.
  3. Hmm~ I am not really into funny car so would have preferred it to be a Mustang Cobra instead. The best part is that they all have metal chassis.
  4. Courtesy of Hot Wheels Wikia Saw this beauty during my Chingay 2010 rehearsal... Very classical... So, it's a Caddy Fleetwood. The dude was guarding the car with all his life... Blocked my shot... but at least you can use him as a barometer to visualize how freaking long/big the car is! White walls! Erm... is this the same car as the Ecto 1? Caddy during the company's golden era...
  5. You are correct. Picture courtesy of Hot Wheels Wikia
  6. Such a surprise... I found more interesting old cards than 2010 ones...
  7. Found them too at Giant @ Prangin Mall, Penang... Cheaper by RM10, but still very expensive for this kind of quality... The trailer's nicely detailed though... Like the commercial... Would have been even better if there was some licensing for a Mercedes-Benz Actros... Exposed engine... Inconsistency in the wheels... Overall, great potential to be a collector item but poor packaging + bad detailing & execution + awful pricing go against it...
  8. My last acquisitions in Malaysian Ringgit... These were from Parkson @ Prangin Mall. I have RM40's worth of vouchers thanks to my sister's spending on cosmetics... I think Enyo said this has a metal chassis but I couldn't tell from the packaging... You have to see this master piece in the metal to do it justice... I have always love Dodge muscle cars and Vipers... Last piece available... not going to leave it there of course! Amazing capture~ Then... at the departure hall of Penang International Airport... I love the King of Bling~~~ 2 Challengers in 2 days! A dream catch for a Mustang fan~ and last but not least...
  9. I still prefer US' Connect Cars... There seems to be huge supply of them here in Singapore. I am not sure about the models available since I am not interested in them...
  10. You mean the Dodge? It's not an error card. The blister has actually came off from the right side. The stuff must have put it back in that direction.
  11. Going back to Singapore today via a 5:00 pm flight... Anyway, have been going out these few days for some reunions and managed to score these from the various 7-Elevens along the drive... Looks too close to the Cadillac LMP but it's still a great race car casting. I am starting to like Fast Fish although I do not collect Hot Wheels Originals... Got these from the last of the 7-Elevens I checked out. No 2010 cars but old Series are always a welcome! On a side note, found a few Sting Rod II but passed this casting since I will not be collecting this casting... Found 2 2006 F.E. Bone Shakers at 2 separate 7-Elevens but both in the same matt copper finish. Passed them too for reason same as above... Well, quite disappointed not to break my Treasure Hunts duck but scoring the old Series is a great joy. The Fast Fish is also a great acquisition too, though it's only my first Fish. Will be hanging out at Parkson before boarding since I have some cash vouchers. Hopefully, some surprises there awaiting me or even at Changi Airport...
  12. Grand National... Custom '62 Chevy Truck, Super Bee in Singapore...
  13. Didn't those pix come from the Hotwheelscollectors forum..? That's where I saw the first. ..... but then again I could be wrong... You are correct. Saw these pictures in one of the threads.
  14. ... and don't forget to throw in the banana skins as fuel...
  15. Yao

    HWC Sneak Peeks

    Hmm... looks like the same graphics from '09 Heat Fleet Camaro Convertible... However, Ferrari wheels on the $uper?
  16. Just wanna know how many of us here keep their collection carded... and how many keep theirs loose... and why? For starters, my collection is 100% loose. There are a few with me here in Singapore which are carded because once I move out, moving loose cars might be a problem... Anyway, I had thought of buying 2 of the same item, one for loose and one to be kept carded but that would be a pain in the ***... so I decided to go loose! I want them loose 'cos I want to feel my precious... being separated by some plastic sheet from your precious is too much for me to bear... which is why I've set my RLC Superbird free... Please share~
  17. I'm not into drag but I got to say... you're collection is awesome.
  18. I suppose you're not using a hand phone camera? The inferiority of mine makes me reluctant to snap pictures...
  19. Yao

    Pre-CNY Purchase

    This 5-Pack is a must... or is it just me? However, I am quite disappointed with the '92 Ford...
  20. Drag Bus in Bas Sekolah Yellow and Bas Kilang Blue~
  21. Mattel really should do something to give back to Malaysia... Perhaps some Malaysia-exclusive series... If U.S. has KMart-exclusive, we should have Giant-exclusive!
  22. There's one line that mentioned it's no longer about how many you want to collect, but how much you can afford... that is so-oh true... *sigh*
  23. Saw the postal truck at my hostel entrance... I knew something special has arrived... Office stuff must have got tired of seeing me checking the postal everyday, they just say: Self service! It seems like I wasn't the only anxious party... I can smell Texas... Excellent service provided! There! There! Calm down!! Too hot to handle, even for that red hottie... This is the only Slick Rides that I will buy since I am collecting the '56 Ford. "So... you... come all the way from Texasss??" "Bukanlah, gwa buatan Malaysia!" "..."
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