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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Has anyone confirmed that these valentine MB items will be out of MB's by the end of the festive period?
  2. What does the 'buy a valentine for 50PFC' mean? sorry if it's posted before.;...i'm lagging a lot and it'll take a long time to go back 9 pages. Is it like a trialpay thing?
  3. Thank you! I still need more! Your chance to be on my poster...and you can have the thing I made when I'm done..if you want it.
  4. we got new smilies? OHHHHHH we did! :bartend: :chaplin: :mystic: :balls: :coolglasses: :YMCA:
  5. Finished making all the ones that were posted! Still need more! Around 5.
  6. What we have done is to update the game with two new functional cash items! It´s one item for the outside and one for the inside, romance has definitely come early to Restaurant City! Enjoy!
  7. Thanks everyone. Will get to work on them ASAP. It doesn't matter if it's old or new, I just need the face:)
  8. JODI PICOULTTTTTT. I'm reading one of her books called handle with care.
  9. Uhm...all font has to be in casual...what if it's like saying I love you in a heart? So that text must be in casual too?
  10. Mangoberri

    99 project

    A 99 project is like a little quest for yourself to try to get 99 of one item in pet society. 99 is the most of one item you can gather in pet society.
  11. I'm planning on entering the Valentine's Day banner competition, but I need some of your pet's pictures.. It doesn't matter what they are wearing..I just need the face with no glasses on... By giving me the picture, you agree to the following: Your pet made into something completely random and maybe weird. Your pet dressed up as something.. If you don't want your pet looking like that, simply don't post the picture....
  12. It was a Nickname for my friend and when I signed up I thought I could remember that name easily and won't forget it
  13. It actually is facebook's responding problem...it's not connecting fast enough for applications...
  14. Facebook's API is slow at the moment..seems to be better now though.
  15. Thanks PPP! Will send you something once PS will load >D
  16. Mangoberri Pinchy One of each of the faeries in the cash shop. Teal
  17. It's a love story baby just say yes romeo save me ......... I like all of taylor's songs.
  18. Author: Jodi Picoult Book: Handle with Care It's about a girl who has OI and it travels through the life of her,and her parents decide to hold a law case on her, to get money...and they are suing against her best friend!
  19. Nom nom nom... 'Ewwww, mommy someone put something in that popsicle! I think I'm going to be sickk..'
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