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Everything posted by msclee

  1. wawawawa......can't wait anymore....faster faster upload new picture brader
  2. this time not sotong.....harimau prediction
  3. bisa aje dehhh....betul mau? bro..UGPM wa.....dasat la brader ni....ape cerita tu?
  4. Wowowo....all really per-muscle mucsle pulak!!!
  5. hahahaha.....menghilangkan diri kat bawah tilam bilik tidur
  6. hahaha....yes, those bone shaker are really poisonus!!!!
  7. This guy really poison bone shaker lovers hahaha....thank you bro, just collect some bone and bus only
  8. Hehehehehe.....should post some of my bone shaker gang here earlier
  9. Thanks RG, just sharing with you all forumer guys. And if mushroom ask for more....I need time to gorek my cabinet again. hahahaha if i ask for more cannot ahh? show morela bro....hihihi omg....oh tuhan ku habis....habis
  10. Thanks RG, just sharing with you all forumer guys. And if mushroom ask for more....I need time to gorek my cabinet again. hahahaha
  11. hahaha....thanks sinclair, oh yes...the 2 blue BS are 1 from walmart with Goodyear tire. Cheers
  12. Would like to give cendawan and hassan some eye refeshment, Okay....here are some of my loose bone shaker gang....
  13. wowowowo..........ganasnyerr!!!!
  14. fuyoh.....another hidden customizer.....wow....good works dude!!!!
  15. whooaaaaaaaaaaaa..............pos malaysia will salute and tabiks you all.....pingat kecemerlang pembeli dan penyimpan Hotwheels di negara!!!!
  16. hahaha.........bukak gerai lo
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