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Custom HW Subaru Police Car

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NO mistake! it's not Tomica. This Hotwheel Subaru Custom Japanese police car has done and complete about 4 months ago and well kept inside my display shelf for quite a long time. I've forgotten to post it because quite busy lately.

The custom of this police car are base on tomica subaru police car as model reference. That's why many ppl mistaken it for tomica car, hehe..... . The added items are radio antennas to roof top and rear trunk, standard V shape police lighting to roof top and gold coloured rims painted to the originals wheels.

by the way, this custom police has already booked by someone we knows here......hehe...

comparison to tomica's subaru police car and you can see the difference;


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Had a first hand look at it last Friday.

Much nicer than the Tomica one, hehe.

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sinclair wrote:
Had a first hand look at it last Friday.

Much nicer than the Tomica one, hehe.

thanks sinclair!!!!!!!!!!

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hokuan wrote:
Like it bro! Good job

thanks bro!!!!!!!! appreciate your comments!!!!!!

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Adrian wrote:
Nice custom..still learning your skill..

thanks bro!!!!!!!!!!! well, we learn something new everyday, hehe........

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chee keng hong wrote:
Really nice & Fabalous custom job!!!

thanks bro! really appreciate its!!!!!!!

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rikmun wrote:
sportier than the tomica's wan...

agree with you rikmun!!!!!!!!!

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Laputa wrote:
Owa...Nice custom, my master!

thanks laputa! your custom also nice!!!!!!!

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rikmun wrote:
wad u use to make the red siren?

it's from gundam kits left over where all transparent plastic parts are attached. Cut it out to T shape and heated the centre joint and slightly bend it to V shape.

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xebec-Crash wrote:
wow nice lah sifu...

thanks bro! appreciate your comments

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number 13 black subaru is now panda..

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nice one danielh. very creative using the gundam left over runner!

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YU5H wrote:
number 13 black subaru is now panda..

yeah, now with power and authorithy to chase bad guys, hehe.......

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Raymond wrote:

thanks bro!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RGSUKAN wrote:
nice custom danielh as usual,superb job..

Thanks bro! you are my best !!!!!!!!!!!! appreciates your comments!!!

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ADVedder wrote:
hua.. reserved already?

ya-loh, you know who's the new owner.......hehe...

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kukubeh wrote:
nice one danielh. very creative using the gundam left over runner!

thanks bro!!!! haha! just try to improves it..with available resources.

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danielh wrote:
YU5H wrote:
number 13 black subaru is now panda..

yeah, now with power and authorithy to chase bad guys, hehe.......

best nye.. huhuhu

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netmatrix wrote:
This one the Track Ace one right?

i thinks it's track star 2007. black colour with no.13 on it.

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