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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I'm back, so you had all best start behaving again now lmao!! Missed you all...its been so strange not being able to pop in to say hello Hope you are all ok and I'm ready to hear all the gossip now
  2. Thank you sweetie but I have already arranged for Gaiamaiden to get my items for me when I am away....thank you so much for thinking of this though xxx
  3. Well its finally here! We are off to the airport today (weather permitting) and flying out Mon morning I am so stressed at the moment I feel sick lol...it will all be worth it in the end So....I wish you all a very Happy Christmas, I hope you have a fantastic time with your family and loved ones. I will see you all in 2 weeks when we get back... Oh and behave yourselves lol, no wild parties
  4. We have had so many problems with facebook links since facebook changed all their settings :snowrant: If people are still having trouble even after making sure they add their profile page link then it more then likely their settings They need to check that they have their facebook privacy settings set so others can add them as a friend as I believe this is the setting facebook changed I really am grateful to you all for being so understanding...I know it is a huge change for you all x
  5. the amount of posts per page is set for the group, unfortunatly it cannot be set to individual tastes Just to clarify what Myladyyawo was saying about links We dont allow any link or reference to other PS groups, and we cannot allow any other groups pictures/ graphics to be used. Sorry about this and a huge thanks to you all for being so understanding. I know this is not only a huge move for you, but it is getting used to a new set of guidelines...but I promise we are not ogres and before long they will be second nature to you all and you wont even have to think about it
  6. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    I loved the strictly final and have to say I am so glad that Chris won....poor Ola was in tears at the end....Sometimes there is so much emphasis on the celebs we forget just how much work the professionals put into it all and just how much they want to win as well!
  7. COMPETITIONS AND GIVEAWAYS RULES • You must be an active member of the group to take part in any of the Competitions or giveaways. An active member is classed as a member who has a minimum of 20 posts, not including ‘bumping’, thank you or welcome threads, with no less than average 1 post per day (so if a member has posted 25 post count but an average post count of 0.5 then that member is not classed as active). •Any disputes about any aspect of the competition or giveaway should be made through a site administrators or Forum administrator...their decision is final Competitions will still be moderated as normal by all mods and admins Members are not allowed to run any competitions which require payments...i.e. gmb raffle or ask for donations for your competiton No wish list threads are allowed. If you wish to grant members wishes then please do so through the official wish list threads Administrators reserve the right to add or change rules if needed
  8. oh and BTW Zoonie....yep that is WAY too much info lmao
  9. hiya all...how is everything going? Have you all settled in ok?
  10. Please also remember your siggy cannot exceed 250 px high and 720 px (total) wide and that you can only have one line of graphics in your siggy. If you need anyhelp with resizing your siggy then please just ask and we will do our best to help
  11. I am so happy for you hun...It was heartbreadking to see you so upset last week :~(
  12. I emailed it to her...even I'm not that daft
  13. I have reset her password and sent her a pm with her temp password so she can get back in If she is stil having problems then just let me know and I will do my best to help her
  14. Morning all..well afternoon now lol I'm trying not to stress today..I'm all packed ready for my holidays, so today is just cleaning the house and chiling out I will be stressed again tomorrow though lol It is fantastic to see so many new names here...cant wait to get to know you all better when I get back
  15. Happy Birthday hun...hope you have an amazing day xx
  16. lea75

    C & G Link......

    c & g is chat and gift. It is a really popular group that is joining us from playfish. It is being run by Zoonie, and already seems to be very popular
  17. lea75

    C & G Link......

    http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=51 this is the link to join the c&g group. Once you have joined you can find the group HERE
  18. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    yes I understand and appreciate your point. I'm gratefull for your message - I don't want to upset anyone or cause any problems. this is my pet's name and it was my username in old place where no-one said anything so I didn't think it would be a problem. If I could ask you to change it to Bee (if that's not already taken) I would be grateful. Thank you Thanks for being so understanding... I've changed your username to bee as you requested...didnt add a capital at the beginning but can if you wish me to, thats no problem
  19. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    I'm sorry bee, I dont want to upset you...especially your first day here I did explain the reason to you...maybe you could shorten it to just bee as it seems that is how everyone knows you anyway
  20. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    She's only just 2 and a half, so is going through it bang on time...only thing is she is also going through the terrible 3's, terrible 4's ect all rolled into one Bless her....she is my angel really, I wouldnt be without her
  21. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    hmmmm we'll see if you are sitll defending her after 2 weeks of her lol x
  22. lea75

    Welcome to C&G

    thanks...that is a rare picture of my youngest looking angelic...most of the time angelic is not a word you could use to describe her lol
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