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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75


    hun I didnt say i would think about it, I said I would look into it when I got back from holiday...didnt have time to do it before. If there are enough people interested in the game then I will do a proper guide as in the other game sections
  2. I'd forgotten about that survey lol Cant even remember what the things were on there lol
  3. what about a prediction hun? Do you want to try guessing at one item or theme that you think PS will bring out this year?
  4. Which items would you like to see PS releasing over the next year?? Is there a particular theme you would like to see? Or a particular item that you think would look great in your pets house? Let us know what you would like to see, and at the end, list one item/theme you predict PS will bring out I would love to see our pets have cats and dogs, that they can interact with, rather than just a plushie. Or even butterflies or birds that can actually fly around. I would also love to see a safari theme...imagine the animals they could bring out for that! More items in the recycle boxes...everyone is so bored of the ones that are in there now, I dont think anyone still recycles More furniture on angles (like the black chair if the furniture shop this week) stops the room looking so flat. More Disney items would be amazing! OMG imagine if they bought out a Tigger!!! I would be sooooooooooo skint lmao I predict that in in 2010 pet socitey will have a safari themed week, with loads of animals to go with it
  5. my youngest has a steif teddy than my Nan gave her when she was little. It;s been put away for her for when she is old enough to appreciate it for what it is
  6. That is great to hear Joa...thanks That is exactly the reaction we like to see here...and I know how hard Gaia works on all the comps, to make sure there are always fun things to do
  7. night hun, sleep well xx
  8. fantastic news hun...I am so please for you all xxx
  9. lea75


    pedj, I'm sorry hun but you can only have one line of graphics in your signature and how you have your wish list counts as a second line of graphics
  10. Hiya and welcome to the group First of all congratulations on being able to write what you have written, it must of been really hard to do this. You are not a freak in anyway...what you are feeling is perfectly normal, it is just very confusing for you at the moment. You should not punish yourself for what you are feeling, you cannot switch feelings on or off, and hurting yourself as you are by not eating will not change who you are. Your life is deffinately worth living, and once you start to understand your feelings you will be able to start looking to the future. I would strongly recommend talking to someone hun. If you dont feel you can talk to your friends and family at the moment then try and find a support group near you who you can talk to. You need support from people near you who love you, and also support from people who have been through the feelings you have now. If you need to talk, then I am here for you. If you dont want to talk in this thread then please pm me at any time You will get through this...and you will be a stronger person because of it Hugs to you hun,,,keep talking Lea x
  11. Thanks hun, but PSFC would not work without all the team of mods and admins...everyone plays their part here and we couldnt work without anyone of them
  12. If anyone needs any help with their pictures, or uplaoding them, please just pm me and I will do my best to help. This is open to everyone, so dont think you can't do it just because you dont know how...thats what we are here for...to help you!
  13. I've sorted out the thread...it cant just be restarted or the rules for the game are no longer avaliable for new player to read. It has now been sorted out so you can carry on playing it
  14. I think it would be great if everyone posted their tips in here..I am going to be updateing the hints and tips section and so I can add some of them to that
  15. I am so pleased to say Lithiumkat has agreed to stay on as forum moderator Thank you so much hun xxx Unfortunately due to school commitments Mangoberri was not able to commit to a full time position at the moment, but will hopefully be re-joining us again shortly
  16. lea75

    signature problem

    if you look at the preview picture you can see that your id card has been cut off in the preview as it it to bit for one line. The only thing you can do is re-size them slightly...sorry hun
  17. there is now a full list of 99 items in mystery boxes as well as all the 999 items which have been removed from the boxes
  18. lea75


    It is really big...which is why we cant let siggys be any bigger than this...some were getting way too big Cpmpared to siggys allowed on other sites that is huge
  19. LIKE THIS??? LOL easiest way is to write what you want in your signature, then add [ scroll] at the beginning of your signature and [ /scroll] (but without the spaces) at the end of your signature x
  20. all items sent and received...thanks hun, will add rep for you now x
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