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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Have a safe journey hun .... if you can, let us know you got there safely xx
  2. its ok hun I'll send you your prize x I've sent you a facebook f/r
  3. Sending prizes over now congratulations xx
  4. I only posted it this morning hun, so you are fine...I'll send your prize over to you x
  5. 15TH DECEMBER - LUCKY STRIKE 16TH DECEMBER - -SERENITY- 17TH DECEMBER - BABYPEACH 18TH DECEMBER - SCGRANDMA58 19TH DECEMBER - MYLADYYAWO 20TH DECEMBER - LAVENDER Congratulations to all the winners, you all have 24 hours from now to claim your prize! So sorry for the delay
  6. the snow doesnt bother me, its the ice that I hate To me that is what is really dangerous...Phoebe is meant to go out with her Dad today and I really dont want her to go out in this weather...I just dont think the roads are safe, but if I dont let her go then it will cause an argument
  7. Thanks everyone...I agree that there are lots of different viruses going around at the moment..and my kids are bringing most of them home with them lol Heres wishing you all a healthy holiday!
  8. about time Playfish did something for us!! :cane:
  9. A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!! How I wish I could just go to bed and sleep till morning...not gonna happen though lol...I think me and the kids are taking it in turns to be ill...I cant remember the last time I can honestly say we were all well It is either my arthritis playing up...or me or one of the kids having a bug/virus of some sort Yesterday was awful...I had a Tummy bug, Phoebe was poorly (she has a chest infection and the doctor has given her anti-biotics) and then last night, Ieuan woke me just before 4am. He had got himself over heated in bed and had mini convulsions! He has had a headache all week, and then when he woke me he was hurting all over, his legs were shaking like mad, and he couldnt lift his head off the pillow...I was worrying it was flu, but it turned out to be the daft thing had put too many layers on his bed and his temp was well up! Once I'd cooled him off, and given him paracetamol he was fine! Joys of having a low immune system and kids I suppose lol Sorry I havent been around as much as usual recently, but as I'm sure you can tell, things have been a little chaotic around here
  10. I would totally love some hun!! What would you like for them? x
  11. Have you tried altering your profile? I think you dont get the new facebook layout until you next update your profile...worth a try hun x
  12. I'm not holding my breath lol...I have never found a weekly special in the town forest with my 5 free shovels...which is why I gave in and bought the hat...saves me having to go begging to Kasi every week
  13. I havent managed to get them either hun, even though I bought 75 shovels They were the one thing I really wanted, but hey, I guess we cant have everything we want lol xx
  14. Dont know how long its been like this, but I've just noticed that if you click on game requests and scroll down then you can see the game stories feeds...and if you click on pet society you can see all your friends recent PS feeds....very useful when hunting for hideeni gifts!
  15. prize sent Yvette...congratulations xx
  16. lea75

    So excited!!!!!

    I've normally finished my shopping by the end of November, so this is really, really late for me and I was starting to stress lol Think I might treat myself to a congratulatory drink this evening
  17. DECEMBER 12 - TSUKIKO DECEMBER 13TH - TIDDLY WINKS DECEMBER 14TH - TOULOUSE Congratulations, you have 24 hours from now to post to claim your prize!
  18. lea75

    So excited!!!!!

    I've finally finished my Christmas shopping!!! :cane: :carol: :dance2: Only got the food shopping left to do, but feel so much better to finally have the presents finished. I still have a load of housework to do, but now I feel like I can start getting excited about Christmas!!!
  19. sorry guys, fallen behind more winners announced this afternoon xx
  20. Thanks hun....I've completed the graveyard and so dont go in there any more so wouldnt of noticed that!
  21. i totally love the penguin!!! Will have to get a few of them to go into my penguin room Also love the fact the new room is a normal coin room...even if it is 15,000 coins, rather expensive for such a small room
  22. that sounds like a totally amazing present hun..I'm sure your parents will love it! xx
  23. They are the original books hun. The TV series does not follow the books at all, so you can read them and still be suprised when you watch the tv series
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