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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Well I did it! Got the kids their, and they had a fabulous day. They loved to see all the animals, and Phoebe has now decided that the flamingos are her favourite...she was stood there on one leg trying to copy them..very funny! The both thought it was hygsterical when a lemar decided to jump at me and scaret he living daylights out of me It was a very, very long day though and it really took me out of me. I checked in here when I got home, but didnt even have the energy to answer pm's...so huge apologies to those who pm'd me... I even went to bed at 8:15 which is not like me at all!! As long as teh girls had fun though it was worth it
  2. OMG that is awful! Hope you get some answers from them hun x
  3. I've decided to take my girls to the zoo today, and they are so excited they are bouncing around We are going to Dudley Zoo, which isnt too far from where we live...so we can get the bus there. Just going to get them dressed and do the picnic and we are off This is the map of where we are going
  4. It must of been scared of facing the wrath of the Agony Aunt I must admit she scares me as well
  5. lea75


    your facebook link is invalid and I have had to remove it. Please can you add a valid link as per PSFC rules..thanks
  6. all 3333's received and costume sent Thank you for the lovely trade...adding rep for you now x
  7. I can trade one animal costume set with you. I can do one costume bag for 15 x 3333's....is that ok with you? I've sent you a f/r
  8. Now this would of made me collect them
  9. WINNER ANNOUNCED: CONGRATULATIONS FOXPOLY!!! I will send your prize over in the morning for you xx
  10. so what is happening with the hideeni flags? Playfish stated that when a country was knocked out of the world cup that their flag would be removed from the hideeni gifts. I wouder if they have done this yet? This means France, Italy and Austria would need to be removed...I'm sure that there are others as well, but I have ot admit I did not bother collecting any of the flags Also what about the teams who are still left in, but dont already have a PS flag? Will Playfish now put their flags in for hideeni to give out?? hmmmmmmmmm questions, questions
  11. lea75

    Happy Thursday

    where are you going on holiday hun? 5 weeks? What are you going to do without PS for 5 weeks? lol
  12. lea75

    Happy Thursday

    GOOD MORNING!!! I think I cursed the weather today (sorry everyone in the UK lol). The sun was shining first thing, and as my skin has cleared up I thought I would wear a dress (not like me at all lol) well by 10 am I had to get changed as the sun had gone in lmao....typical!!! I have to pick Jadine up from school soon as she has a hospital appointment...she keeps getting recurrent water infections so have to take her back to see the specialist. I think she might need to go back on her long term meds...bless her I cant wait to see if Playfish reveal the new items today...for some reason I get more excited about Thursdays than I do about actually being able to buy the items on a Monday lol. If playfish do reveal the items while I'm out, please bare with me and I will do the pics as soon as I'm back. Hope you all have a fab day
  13. lea75

    Urgently need help!

    you need to get your fried to report it. Then he/she can report it as fake and send them proof that they are using his details. It should get it shut down straight away
  14. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/game-forum-guides-help-f52/fish-guide-t10582.htm think it might need updating though hun...I will look into it as soon as I can
  15. glad you found it hun x Yvette that is what I tend to do lol...either that or I phone Kasi and ask her what something is called
  16. I think its time playfish put some new items into the eco boxes...they are certainly not encouraging us to recycle by having the same boring items in there all the time They have been the same for ages I also think we are way over due for a new gift on the lottery wheel I loved that kitty when it first came out, but I landed on it today, and all I thought was 'great...another one!' What do you think?
  17. sweetie did you search for recycle or eco? I have made the mistake of trying to find the recylcle box in my chest, but its actually called eco box Good luck and hope you find it xxx
  18. that is a fabulous pic I'm sure Rosie and Tiddly have had a lovely time playing dress up
  19. moving to the art gallery. Your pic is lovely
  20. If you want old themes, you can try kogaweb.com You can search week by week, but it hasnt been updated for ages Ursulas idea was good though, look through previous room of the week...or even look through PSFC news at the old spoilers...that will show you every item released over the weeks
  21. can you please slow the animation down on your avatar...if avitars move too quickly it can cause members with bed eyes/migranes problems Any animation has to be slow.
  22. My underwater paradise Not a lot you can do with such a little space, but I like it lol
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